A little of this – a little of that, and a fun little contest

It certainly has been a little while since I last posted. Gosh, I’m sorry. I’ve been hard at work writing patterns, checking and double-checking supply lists, revamping class handouts and working on a TOP SECRET project, too. Lots and lots of computer work. Actual sewing? Not so much. (Sigh.) Maybe I’ll get to sit and stitch at my machine soon. I sure do miss it. Do you think our sewing machines actually miss us when we’ve neglected them for too long?

First, I’d like to give a big shout out to the great gals at Me and My Sister Designs. They featured my book, Jelly Roll Quilts & More, on a recent blog post and I was absolutely tickled to read it this morning! (Thanks, Mary, at Quilt Hollow,  for giving me the heads up.)  Thank you so much, Barb and Mary. Woo hoo, that was such a nice surprise (and terrific endorsement!) and I’m really very thrilled!

We’ve been enjoying the Olympics in the evenings. Have you tuned in to see the action? The boys and I like the snowboard cross, downhill skiing and speed skating. I love all the figure skating and ice dancing as well. Fun!

I enjoyed a day out with friends last Thursday to visit the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo at the Convention Center. It was fun to walk through the vendor mall and run into a few familiar faces. I saw my friend (and co-judge at last year’s Quilters’ Heritage Celebration Show, Lancaster) Linda McCuean. She was at the OSQE to teach longarm machine  classes, and she had a gorgeous quilt on display as well.

Pam DaMour, the Decorating Diva was also at the OSQE with a booth and to teach classes. She and I have known each other for years and I always look forward to seeing her! Her cute little dog, a rat terrier named Chrissy, is just a sweet as she can be – next to my Divot, of course, 😉 !

This past weekend, despite the cool temperatures, we managed to drive out to the beach (en route to deliver quilts for a mini trunk show at the Cotton Patch Quilt Shop in Bradenton). We loved having a brief break from our daily routine. Can’t wait for it to be a bit warmer so we can enjoy the beach in shorts and without sweatshirts, but we’ll take what we can get and enjoy it. The water was so clear and blue!

So, how about a fun little contest to break up the February doldrums?

Even though February is actually the shortest month of the year, it feels long. Everyone is so sready for spring. And this year, for many of you, the winter has been particularly long and harsh. So let’s have some fun!

I took a photo of our cats, Snickers and Poppy. Poppy managed to snuggle into one of my quilts on the ironing board all by herself. Can you imagine what they are thinking? The rules of the contest are simple. Simply submit a caption for this photo:

The funniest or most clever caption will win three copies of recent issues of Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine and a cute little pattern from Java House Quilts.

I hope you’ll send me a caption for the contest photo sure to make me (and the readers!) smile. Just leave a comment below. Have fun, and I hope to hear from YOU soon!

  1. Pleeeaze come out and play!

  2. “Must be a new longarmer. That’s the biggest thread muffin I’ve ever seen!”

  3. “I’m sorry, Poppy. Really – that quilt doesn’t make you look big.”

    OMG, that quilt is just gorgeous. Wow, can’t come up with words to express how much I love it. Your friend has created a beautiful work of art.

    I just received a magazine yesterday, Quilter’s World April 2010 and on page 9 they are showing your Simple-EZ Jelly Roll Ruler under Our Favorite Finds. I used my ruler while working on my Chain Saw quilt and love it. Some friends helped me arrange my blocks yesterday and Saturday I have a two day retreat where I hope to get the center of the quilt together. I still need to order border fabric and hope to have the top ready by the time the order arrives. Look for a picture of the quilt on the Attic Window blog next month.

    We have sold almost all the copies of your book that came in last week. I keep hearing comments on how nice a read it is. And tomorrow night we present your mystery to our quilt guild. I am still pulling fabric from my stash.

  4. “You do know that I can see you, right?”

  5. Ok, fess up, I know you ate all the new special kitty treats.

    What a funny picture:)


  6. Love the picture! I don’t know what I would do without my pets, love em all. I think the caption should be….

    “We’re gonna need a bigger bolt !!!”

    Thanks for a fun, fun giveaway. Good Luck Everyone!
    Nancy Jo

  7. Hope this doesn’t disqualify me…

    But I have two…

    “Let me guess… the tag said ,one size fits all?”

    “Honestly… I wasn’t laughing at you, I was laughing with you!!!”

  8. snicker: “tag your it! now i’ll go hide and you come find me!”

  9. If that’s a Full Size – there should be room for me in there too!!

  10. Kimberly,
    It is one of your Dayton groupies from long ago – It is so nice to have “found” you. It looks like you and your family are doing very well. We miss you back here. Keep up the good work I’ll be following your blogging

  11. LOL what a pair of clowns!! 🙂

    Poppy~ ‘hey look at me~ I’m a quilt sandwich like Mom is always talking about! I know she likes me best’ 😉 Snickers~’ a quilt sandwich? I’m not so sure that’s what Mom means…’

  12. “It’s MY turn on the cushy!”
    Beautiful quilt; great blog!


  13. “You know she will be in here in ten minutes and you will be in BIG TROUBLE.”

  14. It’s my quilt. I made it and you can’t have it!

  15. Come on Poppy. Winter will be over soon.

  16. Whoa! How’d you do that?

  17. Poppy: Do you think she’ll feed me twice if she finds me??
    Snickers: More like put you on a diet…

    Adorable Cats!!! From one fat cat owner to another!!

  18. Snickers to Poppy: “You did WHAT to her favorite quilt? No more treats for YOU!”

  19. Hi! I fell in love with your Star Quilt in ‘Jelly Roll Quilts & More’ and I’m starting to make the blocks. But I’m missing that wonderful bubblegum pink! What did you use?

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