A few weeks ago I had the good fortune to get together with Sue Nickles at Road to California. We spent an afternoon and evening together which was great fun! She also brought a surprise for me: two completed Trip Around the World quilt tops made
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So much has happened in the past four weeks my head is spinning! But God is great and we’re right where we’re supposed to be. After five months of waiting for interest from potential buyers, we received an offer on our Virginia home and closed the sale
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Make your sewing life even easier! See that little scissor button on my Janome 9400? I use it. ALL. THE. TIME. It’s become a muscle memory for my hand and I never need snips to cut threads at the machine anymore thanks to this handy little button.
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Huh? First, getting unplugged If you’ve been reading this blog, you may remember a few weeks before Christmas I was feeling a little lost, lonely, and out of sorts. The transition from our permanent home in Virginia to the West Coast was wearing me down and I felt
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I’ve been sewing on Janome machines for over five years now. There are so many fabulous features to love about these high-precision yet user-friendly machines. These machines are without a doubt workhorses, yet they handle the most delicate and intricate of stitches with impeccable accuracy. (You can
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How about a gorgeous, new design roll to start your year off right? I’m very excited my new line of SOLID-ISH fabrics, by Timeless Treasures, is available FOR A VERY LIMITED TIME in a design roll! These fab strip bundles come with 40 – 2 1/2″ strips
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With the rain and wind howling, the boys and I were craving some good old fashioned comfort food. My Dad’s favorite dish was my Mom’s homemade dumplings. My Mom had tried to teach me how to make them and I had watched her a hundred times over
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Having grown up in Ohio and living most of my life east of the Mississippi, I had never truly experienced drought until we began our transition moving from the east coast to the west coast last October. For many months Southern California has been experiencing extreme drought
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Happy New Year! I love and enjoy every moment of the holidays but I’m always ready to greet each new year with enthusiasm and expectation. 2018 is full of promise. I gave up making new year’s resolutions years ago and instead adopted the “One Word” concept. Each
Read more →Christmas is a week away. Most everyone is caught up in the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations. On television or my social media feed, I am bombarded with images of people smiling, laughing, and everyone is happy and joyful as they are surrounded by friends and
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