So, I did a thing. I allowed myself to be distracted and I cut off the side of my finger with my new, extra sharp blade, rotary cutter. It was such a careless, painful mistake; one that I constantly warn my students not to make, and I
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Last week, I experienced the restorative power of friendship and laughter with two dear friends who came for a sewing retreat here in my mountain studio. Words are simply inadequate to express how much this gift of time and the safe space to open up, be silly,
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Pour yourself a cup of tea and settle in for a newsy update… Many of you have been following our newest big adventure I first wrote about last summer. (In case you missed it, CLICK HERE.) Admittedly, my blog posts were rather sparse during the last quarter
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Giveaway Update: A name has been chosen and the lucky winner is Susi Jestel! Susi, email me at moc.omnieylrebmiknull@ylrebmiK to send me your mailing address and the fabulous Oliso Mini Project iron will be shipped directly to you from Oliso! (THANK YOU, Oliso, for sponsoring this amazing
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I’ve sat down to write a blog post dozens of times. I’ve written paragraphs, then deleted them and tried to write again. Always the same: I just couldn’t find the right words. I try to be very mindful when I do write a blog post, I never
Read more →NOTE: For those folks who came here looking for the Hometown Heritage story about the Canal Fulton quilt, simply click HERE to read it. I can say without a doubt the past 24 hours have been some of the most angst-filled I have ever endured. At this
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If you’re a subscriber to American Quilter Magazine, I invite you to read my Stray Threads column in the January, 2022 issue. This particular article is near and dear to my heart because I was able to share the story of my incredible chance encounter with a
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Hello! My goodness, it’s been awhile since I’ve been able to post. The past 8 weeks have truly been a blur. We put our home on the market, sold it, and then went through the arduous process of arranging for and managing three separate household goods shipments.
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I’ve been away from posting on my blog and and I’ve missed sharing updates. But there has been a good reason for my absence: we’ve been making some life-changing decisions about our future. Four years ago, my sweet husband was offered the opportunity to take on a
Read more →A friend shared the following with me recently and I thought it was too good not to share. These glorious insults are from an era “before” the English language got boiled down to 4-letter words. Enjoy! “He had delusions of adequacy.” — Walter Kerr “He has all
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