
The addition

You might remember the cabin studio “make-over” we did last April. (If not, you can check it out HERE.) In July 2020, we gave the green light to our contractor to start renovating portions of our cabin including adding a laundry room and bathroom on the lower

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Proud Mom moment

I have to share our son Andrew’s super-cool accomplishment. Andrew is a senior at Liberty University working towards his Bachelor’s degree in Digital Media. But this past summer while he was sheltering at home with us during the early stages of the pandemic, he decided (all on

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Touched by kindness

Our Christmas decorations are almost all put away for another year, but I wanted to share one of the most lovely, thoughtful and meaningful gifts I have ever received.  You may or may not remember that my oldest brother, Bill, passed away from cancer in November 2019.

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The yarn master

One of my life’s missions is to encourage young people whenever I can. The uber-talented and creative young designer I’d like to introduce to you is an absolute wizard with yarn and you need to meet her! Introducing Rachel Greenhill Rachel is the 21 year old daughter

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New friends

Our family has grown again. As hard as it was to lose our beloved little Dodger, we knew we would adopt a kitten again.  Everyone felt the void left when Dodger passed away; most especially Cheeto. The foster moms at A Pawsitive Approach were so helpful and

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