Calling all fabric finders!

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Hope this week is going well for you out in cyberland!

My dear friend, Birgit Schuller, sent me a photo of her Anvils mystery quilt top, and I just had to share:

Anvils_mystery_Birgit Schueller_small

Fabulous! I just love the colors and fabrics you chose, Birgit. Can’t wait to see how you quilt it!

A special request…

Birgit has a request for all you fabric-finding sleuths out there. She is in need of at least one more yard of the paisley print border fabric. In the photo above, her top is simply pinned to the paisley fabric (which belongs to someone else.)  Here is what she wrote:

“Do you think your wonderful blog readers could be helpful in pointing me to a store where I could get another yard or so of that beige/purple/brown paisley print? That would be fantastic! The selvage reads: Pattern # BTR-5392 Blank Quilting 2008. It is the focus fabric of their Duquesa II collection, colorway Mocha.”

Ladies (and any gentlemen readers, of course), let’s help her out! If you have any of this fabric you’d be willing to share, or if you know where to get it, please snatch it up and send it to me. (Email me for my address please). Since Birgit and I have boxes going back and forth through the mail frequently, I’ll take care of getting it sent to her in Germany.

Here is a picture of the fabric so you can see it better:

Anvils_border fabric_small

 This fabric is absolutely perfect for the border of Birgit’s Anvils mystery quilt!

Thanks for all your help, fabric-finders. I really appreciate it, and I know Birgit does as well!

  1. Kimberly – check out this store, online – it has some of the exact fabric your friend is looking for (and it’s on sale for $6.65 a yard!!

    I hope she gets some! Her quilt is beautiful!


  2. Thank you so much, LynnEl! I’m sure Birgit will be so happy you have found this for her! You’re the BEST!

  3. Birgit, it’s beautiful!!!! I can’t wait to see how you quilt it. What jelly roll did you use, or did you cut strips?

    I just love seeing how the same mystery turns out so many different ways. How do you say “very very cool” in German?

  4. Kimberly,

    Thank you so much for having posted my search request on your blog! I always knew, quilters are the best – especially you!

    LynnEl, thank you for providing the link to the online store. I had found that one before but was told that shipping one yard of fabric to Germany would cost twice the amount of the fabric itself! But thanks to Kimberly, I’ll get it via her house…

    Pat, I didn’t use a jelly roll but had that paisley fabric in mind and cut strips from my stash fabric in coordinating colors. The expression “cool” has made it into the German language, so you’d say something like “sehr cool!” (or “mega cool” if you belonged to the generation of my kids LOL).


  5. Since my son-in-law is of Mexican heritage, I’ll combine languages and say “sehr cool, chica!!!!”

  6. I am desperate looking for a selection of fabrics from E E Schernk called Daiwabo. The # is 11216. It is a graidant of gree, blue, brown and tan. It was used to make a tree wall hanging. Thanks for any hepl you can give, Barb

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