It’s mid December and deadlines are looming. I have a million things I should do. But what I really want to do is stitch. Not because I have to, but because I want to. So I decided it was time to treat myself to a little quilt
Read more →It’s mid December and deadlines are looming. I have a million things I should do. But what I really want to do is stitch. Not because I have to, but because I want to. So I decided it was time to treat myself to a little quilt
Read more →Attention: This post contains a lot of photos taken by me personally, so grab a glass of iced tea and join me for an armchair tour through Bavarian Christmas markets! I can finally share my really BIG news with you — and I’m so excited I can hardly stand
Read more →Please check out the update, see below….. Welcome, December I’ve got lots of cool new things to share with you! Have you heard about my brand new CRAFTSY QUILT-ALONG? It begins December 1st, but it isn’t too late to sign up to get your kit of absolutely
Read more →“And, we’re off!” Those words have been echoing in my ears for the past few days as I put things in motion for the start of this new year. My ONE WORD has also been in the front of my mind as I tackle deadlines, commitments and other
Read more →Resurfacing feels wonderful. You may or may not have noticed but for these past six weeks or so, I’ve been flying under the radar. My last blog post was in mid November and if you’re on Facebook you probably noticed my status updates have been few and
Read more →Christmas! Although I admit with the temperatures in the low 80’s during the day and dipping only into the upper 60’s at night, it certainly doesn’t feel much like Christmas (sigh….). But I’m trying to get that Christmasy feeling just the same. It certainly helped to hear
Read more →Wishing you all a blessed Christmas and happy holiday season! May all your wishes come true in the New Year! God bless us, everyone!
Read more →…which is a sneak peak of a pattern yet to come. I couldn’t leave Christmas 2009 behind without sharing one last Christmas quilt with you all. Of course it’s my plan that you’ll be seeing this wonderful new design again in the near future (think: exclusive pattern, magazine
Read more →…..but it sure smells like it inside! Mom and I have been baking Christmas goodies in my kitchen almost non-stop for the past three days. We haven’t done this in years. I can’t tell you how much fun we are having! Mom’s snowballs are so delicious and
Read more →….the lighter side of Christmas. Who says Christians don’t have a sense of humor? And who’s to say flamingos weren’t at the birth of Jesus? This is part of the light display in our neighbor’s yard. I love it. ‘Tis the season to be cheery! Happy
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