I hinted I had a new quilt in the works back in February. As I pieced the blocks, I posted a few sneak peeks. After I finished the quilt top, I shared a picture of it in my rearranged studio during the early weeks of the pandemic.
Read more →I hinted I had a new quilt in the works back in February. As I pieced the blocks, I posted a few sneak peeks. After I finished the quilt top, I shared a picture of it in my rearranged studio during the early weeks of the pandemic.
Read more →I have wanted to write a complete and thorough review about Janome’s newest sewing machine, the Continental M7, for many months. I was first introduced to this machine before the official launch during the summer of 2019 and then a new M7 arrived in my studio last
Read more →UPDATE! If you missed the Facebook LIVE event today, you can watch the video by CLICKING HERE. Have you been following along on the Facebook Janome Sewing Machines and Janome Sewing Classroom pages? If not, you’re missing out on so many fabulous FREE classes and tutorials! Since
Read more →Many of you have been following along on the Janome Facebook pages these past several months where the talented Janome educators and I have been presenting LIVE events, demos, tutorials and classes. If you haven’t been watching, well…..oh my goodness — what are you waiting for? Since
Read more →The definition of cogitate is: “To think deeply about something; meditate or reflect.” I’ve been cogitating. It’s hard to believe the last time I wrote a blog post was in May. The Covid-19 pandemic, turmoil, social unrest, and changes in our world have been truly mind-boggling in the
Read more →How are you doing through this COVID-19 event? I pray you and your loved ones are healthy and well. If you have been affected by this terrible pandemic, I pray things improve quickly and you’re back to feeling as right as rain very soon. As for me,
Read more →Have you been tuning into Facebook every day at 3pm to see the LIVE events being hosted by Janome? The talented educators and I have been sharing our favorite features, tips, tricks and all kinds of exciting and fun things every day, Monday – Friday. My next
Read more →I’ve been in the planning process for this Facebook Live event for a couple of weeks. While I love teaching classes or sharing tips and techniques on camera, going LIVE brought with it a whole different set of things for which to plan and prepare. And I
Read more →UPDATE! My PERFECT PINES pattern is now available as a download on my website! My Precision Flying Geese Ruler is required to make this pattern (you’ll need it to squeeze out cutting the little triangles from the leftover bits to make the pieced border trees!) I’m excited
Read more →Some changes have been happening in my sewing room lately and it’s finally time for me to share what we’ve been up to! You might remember when we moved into our home almost two years ago and I took over the living room of the house and
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