The waning hours of 2022 are upon us. Less than 24 hours to go until a new year will be ushered in to greet us all. This year, perhaps more than most, I’m glad to see the end of 2022 and I’m looking forward with great expectation
Read more →The waning hours of 2022 are upon us. Less than 24 hours to go until a new year will be ushered in to greet us all. This year, perhaps more than most, I’m glad to see the end of 2022 and I’m looking forward with great expectation
Read more →Tink, tink, tink…… Hello? Is anyone out there. My goodness, it’s been a long time since I last posted here and my blog is sadly out of date. Sigh. Somehow that nasty thief called TIME has gotten away from me. Yet again. I’ve spent so many nights drifting off to
Read more →“And, we’re off!” Those words have been echoing in my ears for the past few days as I put things in motion for the start of this new year. My ONE WORD has also been in the front of my mind as I tackle deadlines, commitments and other
Read more →I gave up making new year’s resolutions three years ago. They didn’t really work for me. I’d lose steam about six weeks into the new year, or I would forget about them altogether in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. And if I did happen to
Read more →I’ve had some fun these past few days working on a new quilt design and reading some quilting blogs in between sewing times. It’s been good just to get back to doing what I love — without having to work on a specific deadline. I came across an
Read more →As 2010 draws to a close, I’ve spent time this week truly contemplating this past year and what a whirlwind it has been in many ways. I feel very blessed by my family, friends, and life in general. Does anyone else out there think TIME seems to fly by
Read more →As many of you know, 2009 has brought its share of struggles and hardships for our family and me. I’ve tried hard to overcome the tough times during the long, dark days of winter and regain some much needed momentum in recent weeks. While the rough road
Read more →Well, I am truly speechless! I simply can’t begin to find the words to describe how excited and thrilled I am by your overwhelming and tremendous response to my request for comments! Thank you, thank you, for coming through with so many encouraging things to say. I’m
Read more →Today’s the big day: I’m launching my second FREE MYSTERY QUILT from my home page at www.kimberlyeinmo.com! I hope you’ll join me each week for Mystery Quilt Fridays with Kimberly to download the clues until the mystery quilt is revealed towards the end of February. You’ll love
Read more →Do U do KMQs? U do, & now 2! That means, “Do You Do Kimberly’s Mystery Quilts? You do, and now two!” It’s time to start the New Year off with a fun, new project. We’ve all made “healthy” resolutions such as weight loss, spending less money,
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