I absolutely love receiving emails from you with photos of your Pleasantville Quilts! You can see some of the other quilts by CLICKING HERE. I received the following email yesterday: “I had written you that twelve gals in my guild (Thimble Pleasures Q. G. in Mendon, MA)
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It’s been exciting to open my mailbox the past few days because two awesome quilt magazines were just delivered. Now I can finally share some great news with you! American Quilter Magazine I’ve been posting hints online for months now (since January) about a new series quilt I was
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Many of you know about (and hopefully follow) my regular column, Kimberly’s Korner, in American Quilter Magazine. In 2016, AQS featured my original series quilt, Pleasantville, which appeared in conjunction with my column. I was overwhelmed by the excitement of the readers to follow along and make their
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