Closing the door

As of today, we have closed the door to a chapter in our lives and we’re looking forward to the future. Our time in Australia has come to an end, but we’ll look back with love for the kangaroos, fondness for brilliantly-colored sunsets, some challenges, and bittersweet memories mixed in. 

Now it’s time to focus on the next chapter. 

The home we purchased in Australia was settled and sold today to a wonderful gentleman who has promised he’ll care for the Roos as we did. In fact, just this afternoon he sent us this sweet photo of his pup looking through the glass door at our beloved Fuzzy Wuzzy. We’re leaving the Roos in very caring and capable hands, and this puts our hearts and minds at ease. 

The best news is that Mr. Kim is back in the US for good. We’re so happy to be reunited because we’re so much stronger together than we are apart. This guy truly is the better half of us and I’m so blessed. A little celebrating was in order. 

We took a little get-away to relax and unwind, process the past couple of years, and look forward toward the future. It was good for our souls.

We flew over the Rockies just after sunrise — what a glorious site! And then we spent a couple of days in the mountains, enjoying the views.

We even met a few new friends!

Mr. Kim and I may or may not have shopped at a Boot Barn and bought our very first-ever pairs of western boots. Just sayin. 

Howdy, partner.

Cheeto and the kitties were well cared for by our eldest while we were away, as you can clearly see.

In the past couple of months, some very specific prayers have been answered and our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for all those who joined us in praying for these outcomes. Now we’re going to regroup and step out in faith with anticipation for what lies ahead! I’m sure there will be lots of quilting, friendships to treasure, travel, adventures and daily life with our furry friends. Challenging chapters certainly have a way of helping us appreciate all the good things in life, don’t they? 

I think we’re on the brink of a fantastic, new beginning. Cheers to open doors and the next chapter! 

  1. It only seems like yesterday that you went there. How time flies.x

  2. Welcome back to the states and I look forward to seeing you at future quilt shows.

  3. My heart ❤️ is so full of joy for you and the entire family -fur babies included). Kimberly, your bright spirit is such a powerful example of God’s love working through others as an example of faith. Thank you for your friendship.

  4. Welcome back! What great experiences with many more to come.

  5. Sometimes there’s just no place like home! What wonderful memories you and Ken made in Oz! We are all glad you both survived the Outback as I sure that was a huge challenge! So glad your taking time to rest before you hit the road again! Look forward to possibly taking a class at the International quilt festival in Houston this year! We are blessed to have you both back home!

  6. Oh, my! Thank you so much for this update! God has great plans for your future! ❤️❤️

  7. Wonderful! Love you bunches!

  8. Your faith is strong and I know God will lead you to what is best for all of you. Thank you for sharing your life, your quilting skills and your faith with us! And you are always welcome in Oklahoma if you need a new place to live!!!!

  9. Welcome back. I so enjoyed the roo videos and postings. Best of luck with new adventures.

  10. I’m sure you are happy to have Mr.Kim back here in the states with you. I applaud you for your faith and your trust as you start yet another chapter. I am so happy that the Roos will be well taken care of. That must be a relief. Looking forward to reading about new designs,new travels.

  11. Looking forward to seeing you at Vermont Quilt Festival this summer. Won’t be taking a class but hope to catch up with you even if only for a few minutes.

  12. Welcome home 🏡

  13. Glad you are together and happy. And getting settled again. Look forward to new patterns.

  14. Happy to have you stateside again ! Can’t wait to have you in Shelton again!

  15. So glad to hear the Roos are in good hands. It’s great to hear you are anchored stateside. In June maybe you will have time to go to Red Kite to get some caramels. See you then. Fondly T.

    • Oh, that would be AWESOME! I’ll buy some for you, too — because they are THE BEST caramels in the world!

  16. Glad your family is back together. May the future be bright for all of you! Blessings and peace.

  17. Welcome home. Looking forward to new quilting adventures.

  18. So happy to see your “real” smile. Those new boots will give you many miles to enjoy the wonderful outdoors.
    Looking forward to having Mr Kim behind the camera and your wonderful videos.
    Prayers being sent for your future adventures ❤️🍀🙏and 🫂🐾

  19. Kim, I am so incredibly happy for you and Kent. Glad you are both back in the states. Loved all your roo pictures and stories. I am looking forward to your new adventures! ❤❤

  20. It must have been hard to leave Fuzzy Wuzzy! But so glad the new owners are going to care for him!! Welcome back!

  21. Wishing you and Mr Kim all the best in your next adventure. Australia will always be a part of you.

  22. Welcome back. Seems like you had just left yesterday and here you are today. Back home. An experience of a lifetime.

  23. You graciously shared your roos with us,and in the beginning we stressed as we all waited with baited breath for mister cheeto to please eat….We’ve all been on parts of your journey with you but I am sure it wasn’t as easy as you made it look. Welcome home to all of you!

  24. Welcome home! Hope you’re moving to Houston, we can be besties!

  25. Welcome back💗I loved all your pictures of the Roos & Gorgeous Sunsets & look forward to seeing what your next adventure is.
    God Bless

  26. Welcome back to the United States and to California and your mountain retreat! Here’s to a wonderful future.

  27. It is good to have you and your family back in the US. I am glad that you were able to enjoy your time in Australia and your time with the roos will always be a part of your best memories there. I know the Good Lord will continue to bless you and Mr. Kim as you step out in faith in this next chapter of your lives.

  28. I’m sorry your Australia Adventure wasn’t what you hoped for, but you are home now looking forward. I’m happy that you are back home and eager to new experiences.

  29. Love love love the boots!!

  30. What a wonderful experience and thank God for memories. You are truly a jewl of a human, thank you for this amazing post and sharing your memories with us all. Can’t wait for the new ones! XO

  31. Great to hear all has been sorted out for you.
    I didn’t realise you had actually bought a house in Alice Springs. Just goes to show, you had every intention of trying to make a new chapter of your life. I can only imagine how hard it was there for you. (Not the easiest of places to live! Understatement of the year )
    I’m glad the Roos & sunsets gave you bursts of happiness and in the end you have returned to the wonderful familiarity of home.
    Here’s to happiness & God’s guidance.
    Best wishes, Linda

  32. Welcome back!

  33. Sending hugs, joy, thankfulness, gratitude. May good things come to you. Look forward to hearing if you will permanently settle at the cabin or wherever life takes you.

  34. You and your family have much to look forward to here in the States and being together! Stay healthy, safe and continue to spend love, kindness and quilting❣️

  35. Thank you for the update. I didn’t want to ask – just kept praying. I can feel the love through your pictures and descriptions. I’m so happy for you and your family. Love and prayers will continue always.

  36. So glad you all have returned and can now be together. I am sure you will miss the Roos, but so happy you found an able caretaker and his dog! Welcome back to the USA and hope you make it back to AZ in the future!

  37. Am sad that your experience down under was not a good one (except for the ‘roos). Living in a foreign country can be a challenge. Now that you are back I hope life is easier on you and “Mr. Kim” I send “bear” hugs to you both.

  38. Kimberly, you and your family are blessed! And we are all living vicariously through your journal posts. Welcome back to the US! Where are you settling? Fondly, Jan K.

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