Cool things to share…..UPDATED, 12/1

Please check out the update, see below…..

Welcome, December

I’ve got lots of cool new things to share with you!

FBC-KAUF-KIT-461-7-NS91508_1_Robert Kaufman Spangled Stars Workshop (Color Source)

Have you heard about my brand new CRAFTSY QUILT-ALONG? It begins December 1st, but it isn’t too late to sign up to get your kit of absolutely gorgeous fabrics! I’m excited to tell you that I chose these fabrics myself and I think the finished quilt may be one of my absolute favorites of all time. Seriously — the fabrics are luscious and the quilt is beautiful! And you can make one just like it while learning to make absolutely FLAWLESS flying geese units in no time at all! Choose between the traditional method or my EZ Flying Geese Ruler method; I have so many great tips and tricks for you no matter which method you choose! This is an awesome photo-tutorial-style workshop (no video lessons this time) but you still get ALL the benefits of the Craftsy platform and exclusive platform interaction with other students and me!


FBC-KAUF-KIT-461-7-NS91508_2_Robert Kaufman Spangled Stars Workshop (Color Source)



The exquisite machine quilting was done by the very talented, Carolyn Archer of Ohio Star Quilting. If you are interested in having her quilt YOUR Spangled Stars quilt the same way, leave a comment and I’ll send you her contact information. She is a very busy gal who’s always in demand and she’s taking very few new clients these days but since you’re a friend of mine…..well, I think she’ll make an exception!

Are you in? Simply CLICK HERE. I hope you’ll join me…..

Just bursting with excitement and pride…..

Earlier this year a dream of mine came true when the editors and photographers of American Patchwork and Quilting Magazine came to visit me here at my home for several days. They did a full photo shoot and interview and although everyone worked very hard for those few days, we had the best time together! I couldn’t tell you all about it (although I was just about to burst from excitement at not being able to share….) until NOW. The newest issue of APQ magazine (February 2015) is on newsstands and in retail outlets now! There are lots of gorgeous photos in this issue from my studio and house. Here’s a quick sneak peek:



Plus I have a brand new quilt project featured in this issue called, TRANSITIONS. It is made with gorgeous, gradated batiks and a kit of fabrics to make this spectacular quilt is now available through SewBatik! (CLICK HERE for more information and to request information about the kit!)



The TRANSITIONS quilt was exquisitely quilted by my friend, Birgit Schueller, and you can check out her website HERE. I hope you’ll pick up a copy if you’re not already an APQ subscriber! (“Photos used with permission from American Patchwork & Quilting® magazine. ©2014 Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved.”)


Tons of EQ software fun!

There’s lot of holiday fun in store for you with the new Electric Quilt Blog Christmas Countdown! I’m excited to say that my new holiday-inspired project is now featured on the EQ Blog, on December 1st! All you need to do is click on this link for the EQ blog!


Toby and tree

And on a personal note…….

I apologize that my blog posts have been few and far between in recent months. In all honesty, I was dealing with a very stressful situation concerning my parents and getting them relocated from their home in Florida to North Carolina. Very unexpectedly, my sweet Dad passed away a couple of weeks ago and we had to move my Mom to an assisted living facility near my brother. This has been an unimaginably difficult couple of months but I appreciate all the kind words, prayers, and good thoughts sent our way by so many of you. I have read and re-read every single comment, card, Facebook message and email. It is very comforting to have caring friends at a time like this. My Dad was a wonderful, kind man with a heart for God. I’m sure he’s with the angels in heaven — probably organizing a pinochle game! Thank you again for your compassion and understanding.

God bless you, Pop!

Kim and Dad


  1. Kimberly, I am so sorry to hear about your dad, and I hope that your mom is settled in NC now. I enjoyed your class with the East Cobb Quilters Guild in September, and hope you have a lovely Christmas!

    To distract you, I posted pictures of my finished Broken Lonestar quilt on my blog:

  2. Gah – Lone Starburst! Got the quilt name wrong. I must have HST Brain from the 1st clue from Bonnie Hunter’s mystery quilt.

  3. Dear Kimberly,
    I sent you a very upbeat message on your email yesterday about the lovely AP&Q magazine I had received.I didn’t know about your recent loss of your dear Dad. Please accept my condolences and heartfelt sympathy. It sounds like you had a wonderful relationship with him, which not everyone has the blessing of experiencing. My Dad, with whom I was also very close, passed on just before Christmas 19 years ago. It is such a difficult, heartbreaking time. I was comforted by a wise person, who told me to take joy in my sorrow, because it really is reflective of the loving relationship you experienced. To paraphrase, If you didn’t love so much, it wouldn’t hurt so much.
    Thank you for all the joy you give others, and now please take time for you. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless and keep you.

  4. Kimberly, my condolences on the loss of your father. It’s good to hear that your mom is in North Carolina near family. I’ve lived in NC for 22 years and love calling it home. My father-in-law is in a nursing home and even though my mother-in-law goes to visit him every day and we go twice a week, it’s still a tough situation.

    Lovely to see all you have coming down the pipeline. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope it was filled with loving memories of your father.

  5. Kimberly,

    I, too, was entirely unaware of your loss. I lost my Dad to a massive stroke that left him bedridden for 2 1/2 years, every day of which he hated — he tried so hard to overcome his inability to walk. I know your pain all too well … perhaps you may find joy in knowing that he will always be with you, and I – for one – know that you will sense his presence at the most unexpected times, all in a very good and warm way. I hope so …

  6. Just want to pass on my condolences on the loss of your father, he looked like a joy to know. I am looking forward to taking your Lone Starburst class in Feb. God bless your family!

  7. Kimberly- I just signed up for your jelly roll class on Craftsy, and found this site via the materials list. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I, too, went through pretty much the same thing recently. My mother broke her hip this summer, and my father passed away at the end of August. I was the only sibling nearby, but I, myself, have been struggling with a serious chronic illness. Somehow, we managed to make it through those terrible days, and now Mom lives with an aide just around the corner from us. God gives us the strength and enough love in our hearts to make it through times like this. It is difficult, yes, but I found that it was also a grace filled time. I think it was for you, too, because you are sure your father is with the angels. That confidence is a very great grace. Our extended family is much closer now for having both lost my dad and, in a way, found him through our collective memories. He lives on in all of us. May your father be always remembered by those who knew and loved him, and in this way, may he live on in all of you. Much love, Anne

    • Dear Anne –

      Your comment was so filled with love, compassion and encouragement for me! Thank you, THANK YOU for taking time to write such a lovely tribute to not only your Dad but how you have survived and thrived thanks to God’s grace and love. Your words inspire me very much!

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