Day by day

Cheeto popping in to say hello!

It’s been awhile since my last post so I thought I’d take time to share some photos and provide an update. Let’s start with some new quilted wall art I made:

Last Christmas, Kent sent me four aboriginal-inspired fabric art panels he found here in town. At first I wasn’t sure how to use them but I quickly decided to hand embroider blocks of Australian animals I might meet on our travels using variegated floss. I used Solid-ish fabric strips to sash the blocks to the panels. I just love the way they turned out and look on our freshly painted walls! They are bright, colorful, and provide the perfect enhancement to the modern vibe of this house. 

We’re all unpacked and it feels good to have all the moving boxes emptied and things finally feel more “settled.” We’ve had a chance to catch our breath after the past year of chaos and upheaval and take stock of where we’re at and where we hope to be moving forward. Moving to the Australian Outback has been a much bigger adjustment than either of us could have imagined. There have been plenty of things for which to be grateful and some things more difficult to handle. But I know without a doubt we’ll be able to overcome these obstacles because we purposefully choose to do so and because we know when we pull together as a team we’re much stronger than two people trying to navigate life without being in sync. 

The cats love to to “Roo view” throughout the day.

The kangaroos continue to provide plenty of joy, laughter, and entertainment each day. I simply love them all and watching them never gets old or commonplace. They are simply fascinating creatures; so gentle to members of their family units, very playful, and the Mamas are patient and caring toward their babies. We have anywhere from 6 – 16 who visit us each day. After installing some security cameras, we’ve become aware there’s quite a bit of Roo activity at night. Typically, the food has run out by sundown but Mr. Kim is faithful to fill the troughs each and every morning with food and fresh water without fail.

Late last night we had a small Mama Roo come right up to the bedroom door and practically “ask” for a meal, which we were happy to provide her and her youngster. It was so cold (almost freezing) and I couldn’t bear to think their tummies were empty. We’re always surprised when local Aussies who have lived here their entire lives tell us they have only seen kangaroos on the rarest of occasions. They genuinely seem surprised we have so many Roos visiting each day. I consider this bounty of wildlife viewing a true blessing because it seems to be quite rare. We are honored to have found a home located in an area where they visit so frequently. I’ve been posting many videos on Instagram and Facebook and I love it when people write and comment they are enjoying the Roo videos so much. It makes me very happy to be able to share these experiences with so many folks across the miles. It makes me feel connected to my friends and acquaintances around the world and my roots back in the USA. So if you’re enjoying those videos, please continue to comment! I would hate for folks to get bored with seeing the Roo views.

Recently, both hubby and I came down with Covid; it was our first time being ill in three years! We felt pretty awful with flu-like symptoms for several days but began to rebound on day four. We’re back to feeling 100% and so happy to be out of quarantine now. 

Prior to getting sick, we ventured up the steep hill behind our home to see what was along the ridge where the Roos roam. It is a much steeper climb than I anticipated but with help we made the climb and walked around enjoying amazing views of the Alice (Alice Springs) and the MacDonnell Range. We didn’t see any Roos but we did see plenty of evidence that they use that land often. There were paths and tracks everywhere.

For those of you who watched the Netflix series, Pine Gap, this is the modern home featured in the series. It is situated just over the hill from our home.

Looking down on the backside of our home.

The question I get asked most often is “What do you feed the Roos?” We buy bags of special “Roo Food” — which are similar to rabbit pellets — from the local feed store. 

The colors and vistas here continue to take my breath away. I have never seen such glorious colors of sunrises and sunsets; they are truly something to behold. I’m inspired every single day by the beauty in the skies and I never take it for granted.

This was a magnificent sunrise one morning…..

….so similar in color to the sunset.

The purple sky at twilight is almost beyond description. I’ve never seen anything like it before.

The colorful birds here are also amazing. I’m constantly amazed by the parrots and budgies, but my most favorite birds here are the Galahs. They are so beautifully feathered with rose-colored breasts and soft, dove gray wings. 

And there are hundreds of these beautiful birds in flocks around the Alice!

Have you joined in to make the Janome BOM Blitz II quilt? It’s absolutely not too late to join! 

And I’ve got GREAT news: My Solid-ish Jelly Rolls are IN STOCK at my website and ready for immediate shipping! Simply CLICK HERE to get yours!

If you’re looking for the BOM Blitz II videos and handouts so you can follow-along, CLICK HERE! Month 2 of the BOM Blitz II quilt video will be posted this Saturday, July 23rd. I’ll guide you through constructing Blocks A, B and C. 

So there you have it — the most recent update from our little corner of the world. I miss my friends in the US very much and enjoy reading your updates on social media. I’m grateful for FB and Instagram as a way to stay in touch. But it is no substitute for meeting you in person. Looking forward to some events in the US later this year where I’ll be visiting some Janome dealers. Stay tuned for more information so you might be able to join me for one or more of those events!

Sending big hugs to each and every one of you reading this. XOXOXOXO

  1. What a beautiful newsletter Kimberly: thank you very much ♥️♥️♥️

  2. Hi Kimberly
    Looks like you have settled in at the Alice. I hope you continue to enjoy your time in Australia.

  3. Love the panels and embroidery work! Totally enjoying all the roo and scenery pictures.

  4. Thank you so much for inviting us into your life besides just the quilting portion. I love the Roos and the posts of the sunrises and sunsets. Keep them coming.

  5. Kimberly,
    Wonderful to have you blogging again. I so enjoy all your FB posts. I love what you did with the panels! Glad to hear your bout with COVID was short lived and that you are both up and going again. I hope to see you scheduled for another quilting cruise in the near future. Have a blessed day and keeps up your wonderful posts.

  6. It is so nice to hear from you Kimberly. Hope you have made some friends there. Love the panels you hung on your wall. They will bring you memories of your time there.
    Keeping us updated is very kind of you. Waiting to see more of your creations.

  7. Thank you so much for the update. I’m loving the roo news. Sorry you both had Covid. Glad you’re better. Please keep up the pics, Especially like when the kitties are included. Hugs to you both. Stay warm

  8. Kimberly, thank you for sharing about your new home, your amazing wall hangings, the wildlife and beautiful outside pictures. We miss you here in the States but thankful for the wonders of technology to keep us connected. God bless you and show His grace on you. Kathy

  9. Oh, so interesting to read and see your photos! Please keep sharing so this Midwestern gal can live vicariously through your postings! ❤️❤️

  10. How interesting. I am thankful I have lived in a few places in the US and visited England. Each place is unique, and it broadens your knowledge, experience and appreciation of people and our world.

  11. Thanks, Kimberly, for the beautiful pictures and your update. You are not just a quilt artist, but an artist with the camera too. You could do a silhouette quilt based on your sunrise/sunset pictures. Have a wonderful day.

  12. Omg…what a way to start my day. Reading this and viewing the amazing pictures. You are truly blessed to be living the life you do. I know you and your husband know it. Don’t stop posting too pictures! I love what you did to create the wall art. You will have this the rest of your lives, no matter where you live. Janome is lucky to have you.

  13. Wow and wow again. So enjoyed your post.
    We have a group of ladies who are doing your Blitz II together. This would be a perfect beginner project. Your videos are a big help.

  14. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful adventures.

  15. Wonderful post with beautiful photos. AAA is advertising a trip to Australia with one of the stops being in Alice Springs. Very tempting.

    Maybe you get more Roo visitors as they like seeing Cheeto and the others.

    Take care.

  16. It is wonderful to read about all your experiences in the Alice. I love seeing the Roos close up, and the landscape pictures you post with the brilliant skies are amazing. You are brave to have taken on this adventure with such good-natured enthusiasm and determination to make even the difficult parts work. Onward and upward! Thank you for sharing your days with us! It is a delight to be able to share this with you.

  17. Kimberly! I still can’t believe you left us here and traveled so far away! Whatever made you do that? But what gorgeous pictures you are providing! I’ve always wanted to go to Australia! I love that you always include Cheeto! Enjoy your time there and those Panels you made are awesome!! <3

    • Hi LynnEl — The hubster’s job brought us here! I will make the most of this isolated area while here, but honestly, I cannot wait to come back to the US!

  18. Thank you for the roo updates. We have white tails in our back yard. How do I know when I haven’t seen them. Well my sunflowers are five to six feet tall and the flowers and buds have been eaten off. The rabbits can’t climb and raccoons are too heavy. Plus a few hoof marks. I think this connection with nature keeps us grounded.

  19. Sorry to hear you had COVID but glad you are better now
    A new and strange land has so much to see.I have been watching Fruity Knitting on you tube and they are a couple of Australians living in Germany unfortunately The husband died he had brain tumor that could not be operated on. Your photos are lovely so different to what we have here. your wall panels are beautiful I got some Aboriginal fabric and it’s lovely. glad you are settling living in ” Alice”
    God Bless

  20. Glad to hear you are back at 100%! It took me awhile and I’m not sure I’m all the way there but so much so that it’s good. Loved seeing all the images you shared! The purple in the sky is truly amazing! The photos are astonishing but I know seeing things in real life are so much better. I love what you did with those gorgeous panels and I have been enjoying the kangaroo posts even thought I don’t always comment. I did wonder what you do with all those bags. Are they the type of plastic that can be used to make bags? Just thinking how terrific they would be if so…so unlike anything that can be found here!

    • Hi Cindy! I have washed out and kept all those Roo Food bags — to make reusable shopping totes! I have a bunch of those bags now….just need to get around to transforming them into usable totes!

  21. Hi Kimberly!
    I was so happy to see your post. You’ve had such an amazing year!

    I love the Roo videos and post almost as much as keeping up with your kitties, especially Cheeto. Your JANOME quilt along is very appealing too. I hope to join one or your quilt alongs but now is not the time for me.

    Stay healthy- both of you. Enjoy your life in the Alice.

  22. Gosh Kimberly, your photos are amazing, and I love seeing all the wildlife too! LOL! I bet those roos have “pegged” your house as the place to eat! 🙂 No wonder you see more wildlife than anyone else, wink, wink!
    It’s so wonderful to read your posts, thank you for letting us have a peek in your new world.
    I’m so glad to hear you and your hubby managed to snap back from that bad bug. It seems to be running rampant again, which is not good, but thank the Lord for His good graces upon us.
    Take care, and much love!
    PS – have you been able to do any work on the quilt for which we sent blocks? I don’t know if I’ve seen any posting of it so I thought I would inquire about it.

    • Erin – I was working on cataloging the blocks just last week! I received 235 blocks — enough to make 2 very large quilts! And that’s exactly what I plan to do. I received so many wonderful notes, letters, cards and such with those blocks that I kept everything and put them all together in a keepsake box. I also cataloged the names and cities/states/countries of every block submitted so I can make a label for those quilts. It’s been a lot of work but I’m finally ready to put those quilt tops together.

  23. I love your newsletter and all the posts with pictures and videos throughout the week. A friend of mine has been posting pictures of some of the birds in Australia and they are simply stunning. So glad you are getting to see them while you are there. Love the panels that you used and made into wallhangings.
    You are so talented and one of the world’s nicest people. Enjoy Australia and stay well.

  24. Your panel quilts are fabulous!!! I am always amazed by your beautiful work and creativity!
    Thank you for continuing to post photos of your Roos—they are interesting creatures that you get to admire first hand!
    Hello to Kent who keeps aiding your adventures!

  25. I loved reading about your adventure~ and the roo videos on IG are the best! Along with your beautiful sky pix. You could make some really cool tote bags with those roo food bags. 😉

  26. Thanks for sharing your life! I’m loving all the beautiful pics you post. Australia is on my bucket list.

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