Janome, Military Makeovers, and GIVE-AWAYS!

Several months ago, I was invited to participate in an incredible effort to honor and support a very deserving veteran and his family by the television show, Military Makeovers, on behalf of Janome-America. Due to contractual obligations, I wasn’t allowed to share anything publicly until after the episode aired but now that it has been featured on network television, I can share the behind-the-scenes story and some photos with you all! 

Daniel Burgess, his wife, Genette, and their two daughters were the recipients of a complete home makeover by Military Makeovers, hosted by Montel Williams. Dan was severely injured while serving our country in Afghanistan. He and his beautiful family now reside in Florida so I flew there for the taping of the show. It was a full Hollywood-style production; complete with all the equipment and personnel you might imagine!

Because both Dan and Genette are quilters and Dan has used quilting as part of his therapy and recovery since being injured, the producers of the show reached out to the folks at Janome and asked if they would help turn a room in the Burgess’ home into their dream sewing and quilting studio. Of course, the folks at Janome were happy to jump on board to help this hero! 

They sent four machines and accessories for the Burgess’ new, fully-equipped studio including an Air Thread serger especially for their daughter who creates garments, a Quilt Maker Pro 18 Versa with a table that adjusts for sitting down or standing up, a 3160 Quilts of Valor machine, and a Continental M7 Professional! I was delighted to be part of setting up their new sewing space, getting everything ready for the big reveal, and talking to the show’s designer, Jennifer Bertrand, to introduce these fabulous machines! 

During the filming my husband, who is a retired Air Force veteran, and I were able to meet with Dan and Genette personally to present them with a special QOV quilt on behalf of the folks at Janome. The quilt pattern is my original design, called Stars and Bars. The Burgess’ were very touched by this gift of acknowledgement when we presented it to them on behalf of everyone at Janome!

I feel very privileged to serve as the National Spokesperson for Janome; a company that places such high value on supporting our military service members and veterans. In fact, Janome has branded their 3160 sewing machine as the QOV (Quilts of Valor) model. A portion of every sale is donated to the National Quilts of Valor Foundation (QOVF), of which I am also honored to serve as a Board Member. 

Not only do proceeds from the sale of this machine go to this outstanding organization but inside each 3160 QOV sewing machine box, there is a very special (and highly collectible) Janome QOV enameled pin! This machine is absolutely perfect for classes, retreats or travel — or anyone who simply wants to support a great cause — because it has so many amazing features and a myriad of decorative stitches and presser feet which come with the machine.  

To watch the segments of the Military Makeover episodes featuring the Burgess Family and Janome, simply CLICK HERE, HERE and HERE!

You’re invited to a very special FB LIVE Event!

I plan to share my experience meeting the Burgess Family in a special LIVE event on the Janome Sewing Machines Facebook page on Friday, June 25th at 3pm EDT. Why not show your support for our military or simply show off your patriotic pride by making a Patriotic Star Quilt! Simply click HERE for the FREE pattern! In addition, I’ll be announcing some amazing give-aways of fat quarter bundles filled with Patriotic prints (and one with beautiful landscape prints) from Timeless Treasures Fabrics, and I’ll tell you how to enter to win not only those luscious fabrics, but also a Janome 3160 QOV Sewing Machine!

Be sure to check out the Burgess Family episode of Military Makeovers! And mark your calendars to join me for this special FB LIVE event. I’m looking forward to seeing YOU there — because I’ll tell you how to enter to win these terrific give-aways! 

Thanks, Janome. You are simply THE BEST company made up of the best people. 

  1. You and Kent are so special! Our guild has just been asked to make 50 Veterans Quilts for a reunion of Veterans from Vietnam. I will be looking forward to your Janome video on Friday.

  2. What a wonderful thing to be able to be part of.
    Looking forward to your Facebook live on the 25 th, and thank you for the great pattern…
    I own the 3160 I bought it in 2016 as my go to quilt group machine. It’s a wonderful machine!

    Do you know if janome will be selling those pins? It would be nice to own one.

    Thank you for all you do..

  3. What a wonderful way to honour a vet and his family! I have a 3160 that I bought in 2012 when I did a cross-country run for a 45th high school reunion, and have loved it since then. It must have a million miles on it by now!
    Thank you for what you do as the rep for Janome. Love your designs in American Quilter, too. Jill in Calgary/Phoenix

  4. This has touched my heart so deeply. As the wife of a 20 year Air Force veteran I firmly support helping those who have been injured serving our country. Thank you for doing this! I am also very pleased to hear about Janome’s support of this program. I knew I loved my Janomes, but now I REALLY love them!

  5. I love this! You’re the best representative Janome could have selected! That thank your, Mr Kim for your service!

  6. How marvelous! I love the free pattern! I will definitely tune in to watch! You are amazing!

  7. How wonderful!

  8. Janomes look like amazing machines. I always wanted to make a QOV.

  9. Great machines, lovely patterns and nice to be helping.

  10. Thank you for what you do as the rep for Janome. Love your designs in American Quilter, too. Jill in Calgary/Phoenix

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