I can feel the seasons about to change. There isn’t a chill in the air quite yet, but I’ve seen twinges of yellow in the treetops and the abundant fresh vegetables we’ve enjoyed from the farmer’s markets lately remind me autumn is just around the corner. We’ve been feasting on tender-crisp corn, green beans, luscious vine-ripe tomatoes, delicious cucumbers, and peaches so sweet and juicy they taste almost sinful. I bought some of the first offerings of apples at the farmer’s market on Saturday and couldn’t resist making the first apple pie of the season today. It makes me a bit sad our son, Josh, isn’t here to eat it. Apple pie is Josh’s favorite. But the house smells cinnamon-y and simply wonderful. I’m ready for the change of season. Fall is my favorite time of year.
Speaking of fall, the September, 2017 issue of American Quilter Magazine has been published and this month features the second installment of my original series quilt, Gatherings. Are you following along and making your own version of this pretty basket quilt? There are two sizes, double and Queen size, so there is a size perfect for your needs. I encourage you to use fat quarter bundles or fabrics from your stash. This is a six part series and if you’re not already an AQS member, you can subscribe by CLICKING HERE. I’m making another version of the Queen size quilt, in real time with you all as the installments are published. I’d love for you to join me on this fun journey and if you’re on Facebook, please join my group, GATHERINGS, AQ Magazine. The more members we get, the more fun and encouraging it will be for everyone to follow along!

September, 2017 issue of American Quilter Magazine
This time, I’m using three fat quarter bundles from Cherrywood Fabrics. You can read all about it by clicking HERE.

These are the colors I chose to make the six basket blocks for Row 2.
Do you take time to square-up your HSTs and other units as you sew? This process, while a teensy bit time consuming, makes all the difference when it comes to assembling your blocks. Using the EZ Jelly Roll Ruler makes the process incredibly fast, completely accurate and oh-so-easy to do!
I truly enjoyed making my basket blocks for Row #2. They stitched together like a breeze. It honestly didn’t take me long at all; I finished all six blocks in less than a day.
Of course, I had some help and quality control supervision while I stitched my blocks.
And Toby was quick to point out that I had some “un-sewing” to do! Yep….even I make mistakes when I’m not paying close enough attention to how the units are supposed to go together.
Although the blocks look a bit plain at the moment, by the time this version is finished, the quilting will absolutely make the quilt! I love the shading from light to dark that I’ve got going with the fabric placement within the blocks…..
And on the lighter side…..
For all you Game of Throne fans, this just totally made me laugh.
Hi, I’m Terri from Delaware. I was wondering how Tuffy is doing and if he is missing your son Andrew.
I am finishing up a quilt for my daughter, I’m getting ready to sew the binding on. Do you have any helpful hints on putting the binding on by machine, don’t like hand sewing. After I’m done with this quilt, I will be making one for my oldest daughter. My journey with quilting started with making a quilt for my granddaughter 2 years ago.
It wasn’t perfect but Kyra told me “it was made with love.”
I would love to meet you and take a class with you. I have several of your Craftsy classes and go back to them and use the information on what I am working on.
Your apple pie looks delicious. I can’t wait to pick the “3” apples that are growing in my very young orchard. Maybe I will buy some more apples and combine my apples with them. My pie will have to have a gluten free crust since i am gluten intolerant.
I have blabbered enough and I’m sure you have many things to do, so I will end this now.
Have a good evening.
Terri D’Ambrosio
Hi Terri;
Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving a comment here. I appreciate it very much! To be honest, I spent quite a bit of time a few years ago playing around with the options and ideas of putting bindings on by machine (both sides). I tried different techniques and different sewing machine feet and after a lot of trial and error, I just couldn’t get the professional results that I wanted. I know some people do it this way but I finally came to realize that putting on the binding where you sew it to the front side of a quilt and finish the binding edge on the back side by hand stitching isn’t really all that bad. In fact, I’ve become quite quick about it and I am always happy with the finished results. I know that’s probably not what you want to hear but for me, this works.
I would love the opportunity to meet you in person, too! I truly hope our paths cross in the future! Thank you again for writing; I’m here anytime and always willing to try to help!
I just want to thank you for taking the time and responding to my
Terri — I am so sorry; it just occurred to me that I forgot to give you a “Tuffy” update, and you were so kind and thoughtful to ask about him and the boys. Tuffy is doing VERY well, actually. It’s been over four months since the surgery (the vet gave him somewhere between 3 – 6 months post op) and there’s no sign of the cancer at all. He’s eating, playing, grooming, and being his ever-sassy self. We couldn’t be more pleased! But when the boys left for school, Tuffy literally “sulked” and prowled through their rooms several times per day looking for them. At night, he’s been sleeping on our bed, but every once in awhile he’ll go and sit in front of Andrew’s door and yowl just to let us know he’s not happy that “his boy” is gone. Trust me….this cat has no problem communicating!
Thanks again for asking about him. You are so thoughtful.
You pie looks wonderful. I am going to use the peaches from Grand Junction, Colorado to bake a large peach cobbler for my family for our 58th wedding anniversary on September 5th. I hope my peach cobbler looks as good as your pie does.
Karen, I’ll bet your peach cobbler will be scrumptuous! Happy 58th wedding anniversary! That’s truly something to celebrate!