The real story behind the money shot

I hinted I had a new quilt in the works back in February. As I pieced the blocks, I posted a few sneak peeks.

After I finished the quilt top, I shared a picture of it in my rearranged studio during the early weeks of the pandemic. 

Then I sent the quilt top to my very talented friend, Birgit Schuller, and she frosted it with her exquisite machine quilting! It was wonderful to work with her again on a quilt (thank you so much, Birgit!) When I received the quilt back from her, I was thrilled; but I still needed to attach a sleeve and the binding so it wasn’t quite ready for the public “reveal” just yet. Cheeto and Thomas helped by doing their best to camouflage the design when my back was turned.

Don’t worry; a lint roller removed all the kitty hair after I caught them lying on it.

With all the other things going on during that time it took me awhile to make the binding and sleeve and then attach them to the quilt, but I finished these tasks about six weeks ago.

Kent and I decided we needed to get a “glamour shot” of the quilt. The name of the quilt lends itself to a snowy landscape. Unfortunately, we’re in the middle of summer with record setting heat waves and no ice or snow to be seen on this side of the globe. So, I decided we needed to change our mindset and find another setting in which to photograph the quilt. “Let’s take it somewhere with the Pacific Ocean in the background. The blue of the water will set off the design,” I suggested. 

One would think this would be easy to accomplish. 

I’m here to tell you after six weeks of trying to get the ‘money shot,’ it isn’t as easy as one might think.

In order to get a photo of the ocean when the color of the water looks fiercely blue, the sun needs to be behind us as we focus the shot towards the ocean; which means the sun needs to be in the East (morning time). As soon as the sun is overhead or in a western position in the sky, the color of the water changes and things take on a “golden hue” which is not how we envisioned having the quilt highlighted. 

For days on end….which turned into weeks….we would drive out to the ocean in the mornings only to find substantial cloud cover. It would be bright and sunny at our home — less than 5 miles from the beach — but by the time we’d drive to the ocean, the entire area would be socked in with a misty marine layer. We would make this morning drive about three to four times a week during the past six weeks and and every time we did, the results were the same. Heavy fog. The sun would burn off the marine layer by mid-afternoon and the evenings are usually spectacular for sunset viewing. But this is not what we were trying to accomplish to capture the blues of the ocean as a backdrop for my new quilt.

Today, like all the other days, we drove to the beach. Same cloud covered ocean. But we saw a peak of blue sky up on the other side of the Palos Verde Hill so we drove until we found a small gap in the heavy clouds. We jumped out, tried desperately to stage the scene as fast as possible, and snap the photo. 

What you won’t see in the photo is that we were dealing with high winds, construction crews and roadwork going on right behind where I’m standing, and my sweet husband, crouched down in the front seat of the car holding on to the corner of the quilt so it won’t blow away. I ran out into the road….took several shots….and realized that a driver of a huge cement truck was taking a picture of me taking a picture of the car, quilt, and Kent stowed in the well of that tiny Mini Cooper front seat. And then I also realized all those construction workers were laughing at our antics while we were staging this hastily arranged photo op. I giggled back at the construction workers and made a little curtsy. 

We finally got a photo. So, without further delay allow me to introduce: 

Snowflake Stars

This may be one of my most favorite quilts ever. I just love it! I was able to create the illusion of curves and circles through clever fabric placement using only straight seam lines and no set-in seams. I used my Precision Precuts and Precision Jelly Roll Ruler to make it even easier to cut the diamonds from 2 1/2″ fabric strips. I used three of my Solid-ish fabrics (Royal, Sapphire and Dream) plus the most luminous Pearle fabric for the background — all from Timeless Treasures. You can see Pearle here but you really need to see this fabric in person. It has a pearlescent finish that catches the light like glistening snow. When you buy it, buy at least five yards. Trust me. You’ll LOVE this amazing fabric and it goes so beautifully with ALL my Solid-ish colors! 

I already anticipate there will be inquiries about a pattern, but honestly I have decided to save this design for either an in-person class at an upcoming event or virtual class to be taught on Zoom. It’s an intermediate level quilt and best taught in a classroom situation where you can make it with guidance and great visual instructions and demos from me. If you are interested in taking a virtual class, please drop me a line in the comments section (below) or email me at moc.omnieylrebmiknull@ylrebmiK. I’d love to gauge the interest in this as a virtual class because I’m thinking about teaching it this fall. Otherwise, you may be seeing this at an upcoming regional or national AQS QuiltWeek Show or through Quilts, Inc. 

I like this fun photo of Kent holding the quilt on top of that windy cliff with his glasses peeking over the top and his sandals sticking out at the bottom. He’s such a great sport and ultimately, we have fun as we make these treks and together, chase the sun. 

  1. So striking in that gorgeous sapphire and ocean blue! Bergit did an amazing breathtaking job of quilting it!
    Thanks so much for sharing it!

  2. Mr. Kim hiding beside the quilt, but I knew it was him.? I love it!

  3. Beautiful quilt Kimberly! And i love the photo and the story!!! I would love to make this quilt, probably better in a virtual class since I can’t foresee going to any AQS show in the near future….

  4. Beautiful quilt! Exquisite quilting!

  5. Beautiful quilt and a great story!

  6. And the Miniac holding the prize! Love it!!!

  7. Oh, this quilt is magnificent! Love the quilt and the quilting! Laughed at your picture antics!
    Would love to take a virtual class!

  8. Gorgeous quilt! I would be interested in a class.

  9. Kimberly, you are amazing! I am breathless! Your quilt is absolutely ?% STUNNING!!!

  10. Beautiful quilt. The quilting really enhances your great design.

  11. Wow! That’s simply striking. I would most definitely be interested in a virtual class. My hubby and I are in the process of making a lifestyle change so Quilt Festivals will be “out of the budget.” Hi to Mr. Kim and Hugs to you. ?

    Dorothy Hobson

  12. Beautiful quilt stunning…a very classy quilt..amazing!

  13. Your quilt is absolutely breathtaking! The design is fabulous and the quilting on it is also outstanding. Love it!

  14. Stunning, just absolutely gorgeous.
    Virtual class sounds wonderful.
    Will this be in a “kit”?

  15. Dang it…intermediate level. ? I am most definitely a beginner (I still have issues lining up flying geese!), so I will admire from the elementary class and aspire to greatness.

    In the meantime, it’s just fabulous, and the quilt is pretty good too…..oh, I love that mini!! Truly, the quilt is fantastic, and I just love that you and Kent are having so much fun together since he retired. ??

  16. This is gorgeous. I would love to take a class for it. Thanks

  17. Love this story. Every quilt should have one. Thanks for sharing. Love to take a virtual class. Have you decided on selling kits yet? Or did I miss that as I breezed through the paragraphs?

  18. I would be interested in a virtual class.

  19. Kimberly, That is absolutely stunning!

  20. Gorgeous quilt and the scenery, too. I loved the story and the finished photo does justice to the quilt and quilting. Can’t wait to see it in person at a show.

  21. Oh your quilt is wonderful. I love the colors and the quilting.

  22. Kimberly, such a lovely quilt, and love the story attached to it – I can just picture the scene, the construction crew photographing you photographing Kent hiding in the car holding the quilt – all it needed extra was Cheeto trying to climb on it ??

    Would be interested in the class and certainly the kit for it … just need enough notice to get it delivered to me lol.


  23. Stunning quilt! I am interested in a virtual class. A kit would be the icing on the cake.

  24. So very beautiful! I would love to take a virtual class. That would be a totally new adventure for me.
    Thank you Kimberly for sharing your stunning work.

  25. Love the quilt! It is a happy quilt.

    Regarding a Zoom class, my quilt guild is still meeting via zoom and are looking for teachers to present a lecture at meetings and also to teach workshops via zoom. Is this something you would be interested in doing? If so, please email me back and I will send your contact information to the person who is now arranging these events.

    Again, love the quilt and I would have have been laughing with the constructions workers too.

  26. Kimberly, This is absolutely beautiful! I love it and also love the story that it created! I can only imagine the fun and laughs that you and Kent had with this! After all of that, you found perfection!!?

  27. Beautiful quilt! Love the story behind the money shot!

  28. Oh, my, that is stunning, and would look stunning whatever background you used!!! Another winner!

  29. Gorgeous! I would be intere
    sted in another virtual class with you Kimberly.

  30. I would love to do a zoom class of that quilt. I have done your Diagonal Dash quilt and love your colors. As soon as l get enough yellows in my starch, l am going to do the Pineapple Punch Quilt. So please count me in, Kimberly.

  31. That is one beautiful quilt! And you say all done with straight lines, amazing!

  32. Wow I love it so much ,,the blues are my favourite
    You did a great job which we all know is what you do and great quilting
    Would love to make it with you however it can be done
    Thank you for sharing and all the fun you and Kent have to get us all your information

  33. This one’s a beauty! And Birgit’s quilting is just to die for!! I would definitely purchase a kit and/or attend a virtual class if you offer it.

  34. Breathe taking!!! I would be interested in a virtual class or kit. Definitely on my list of projects to do. Thank you

  35. I love your patterns and have made four of your quilts. But this is the very best. Simply stunning.

  36. I love the picture of the quilt with the cats upon it, and the picture of the car with the quilt and the blue background. I just purchased the new Continental M7, and I am still learning how to use it. I am surprised that the 1/4″ foot sews at 1/2″ until the needle gets adjusted. I do NOT understand why Janome does this. I need to know how to get it accurate and how to save the stitch in “favorite stitches”. I am almost there.

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