The storm

NOTE: For those folks who came here looking for the Hometown Heritage story about the Canal Fulton quilt, simply click HERE to read it. 

I can say without a doubt the past 24 hours have been some of the most angst-filled I have ever endured. At this moment as I write, Southern California, in particular the San Bernadino mountains where our cabin is located, has been pummeled by a fierce winter storm with very high sustained winds and torrential rains. Considering the severe drought the area has been going through for months, I fear these rains will cause major damage and possibly mudslides, although I pray they don’t! The temperature is holding steady at 33 degrees F. and later today the rain is supposed to turn to heavy snow. The weather forecasters are predicting anywhere from 1′ – 3′ of snow for elevations over 7000 ft; our cabin is at 5600 ft. so the predictions are up to 12″ of snow. There are flash flood warnings and high wind warnings. 

The wind howled all night long and the cabin shook from the tremendous force of those winds. I hardly slept. I asked the Lord to put a hedge of protection around the pets and myself and I was relieved when it finally became morning although the winds continue to howl. The cabin, which is more than 30 years old, is well-built for which I am very grateful. But we have some mighty tall trees near the cabin and the way they are bending and heaving with those winds makes me nervous they might snap and fall on the roof or deck. So far, we’re safe and snug inside. I’ve taken every precaution and can do nothing more than wait out the storm knowing I’ve given my fears to God to shelter us while I’m here alone (well, not exactly alone. I have the cats and Peanut.)

Everyone endures storms in life. There are seasons for everything, including the storms when the winds of strife howl and shake the very foundations of our lives. In full disclosure, I admit 2021 has been a difficult season in our lives. Yes, there have been some wonderful things which have happened including the promotion and exciting job opportunity for my sweet husband and I couldn’t be happier for him! But I’d be less than truthful if I didn’t tell you there have been many challenges this year, too. There have been many moments of doubt, hurt, exhaustion, frustration, and loneliness. People I thought were friends turned out not to be, and I’ve gone through a period of a lack of motivation and creativity. I’ve chosen to use this time to just “be still” and wait while the storms pass by. And they will pass by. They always do and I rest in the certainly of that fact.

In the meantime, I remain consciously focused on the blessings, of which there are so many. The Shoo Fly blocks have been coming in by the dozens (I estimate I may have enough to make two quilts!) and I have spent many lovely moments pouring over the sweet, handwritten notes, delicious treats, special trinkets, gifts and prayers you have sent to me. You all have been so very generous. The words “thank you” are so inadequate to express how much each letter, parcel or package has meant to me. I open each one (with Cheeto’s help, of course) and I have done my best to contact each person with a photo and a note of thanks for your kindness and generosity. If you didn’t hear from me, it is because I couldn’t find your name/account on social media, couldn’t find an email address, or had no other way to write to you personally to thank you. But the heartfelt words and wishes from my heart remain and I am supremely grateful for everything each of you has done to make and send those beautiful blocks. I plan to work on the quilt(s) in January.

Although hubby and I find time to talk a little each day, we do find the time difference to be very challenging. Due to the security of the site where he works, he has no access to a phone during the day. By the time he gets out of work each evening, it is 1:00 – 1:30am my time. I stay awake to talk and we’re grateful for the short amount of time to share and touch base. Separations due to deployments are more tolerable now than they used to be but still challenging nonetheless. My heart goes out to those military families enduring deployments where the service person is serving in a forward area. 

Overall, I’m doing well and will be focusing on some exciting new things in early January which I hope to be able to share soon. The NEW Janome BOM Blitz quilt will be coming out in late winter/early spring and I can’t wait to share more about that with you all! In the meantime, I ask for continued prayers to get through the separation and for Kent’s safety while he’s halfway around the world. Oh, and prayers for my safety as well, please! I took a bad fall last week on our icy deck and oh, my goodness! I’m very stiff and sore and thoroughly bruised. God is good, though, and I’m fortunate not to have broken any bones.

As the winds of this current storm continue to howl outside my window at this moment, I rest knowing it is only temporary. The sun will eventually shine again. I pray for each of you whether you’re enduring your own life storms or you’re experiencing sunny weather in life right now. And I hope you’re doing everything possible to enjoy the real reason for the season!

  1. I am so sorry that you have had these challenges this year. How disheartening to have friends, that really aren’t friends at all. I also know that this separation from Kent weighs heavily on you.
    Please occupy your time, creating or planning new projects, to help pass the time, and stave off your loneliness.
    Do you know your neighbors, so you can check in with each other? It would be nice to visit with them on occasion, keeping each other company.
    You are a woman of faith so God surely is protecting you and Kent, and will give you much needed comfort.
    Lastly, you have an abundant number of friends that keep you in their thoughts and prayers.
    Love and hugs,

  2. I can’t wait for the new Janome BOM.

  3. Kimberly, Sending you many hugs and prayers! I can not imagine all you and Kent have been through. Many tough decision. Stay Safe!! God is good!??❤?

  4. Hi Kimberly what a great post! As hard and therapeutic as it is to live it and write it “this too shall pass”. I do feel for your loneliness though. That’s the hardest feeling to shake??thankfully you’ve got the kitties and peanut to share you’re space. Keep sharing I’ve been wondering how you are doing! Take care quilt friend. Merry Christmas Bev Remillard

  5. Kimberly, my thoughts and prayers surround you. With the outside storm and your husband being half a world away, it must be very frightening. God will watch over you and your husband – and soon you will be together enjoying new adventures and making new friends, while keeping your friends here in the states. As the saying goes, “Make new friends, but keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold. God’s blessings to you and your husband.

  6. You have shared your faith publicly many times. I appreciate you doing that and being an example. I have had this song ring in my soul so many times this past year/season. May it be a blessing to you as you know who holds you in His hand.


  7. My heart goes out to you being alone during the storm you are going through at the moment. I have been alone during a couple of hurricanes and during an icy time earlier this year but I know my family is close by should I need them. It has been easier staying here than taking the cat Puma out of his comfort zone. Placing your trust in God will get you through. You have a lot to look forward to with your move to Australia. I have worked there a couple of times and loved each moment. It’s an exciting place to be and the people are wonderful so I know you will enjoy it. Know you have Facebook ‘friends’ praying for your safety and that of your furry friends. Stay off the icy deck if you can. ?? please take care. Linda

  8. Sending you Big Prayers .

  9. Keeping you in my prayers, as you weather the storm. I am sure it is scary being there alone, but all will be well. Hunker down and hang in there. This too shall pass.

  10. May God keep you and your little comforters be safe amid all unexpected events that threaten your well-being!!! I must tell you that you are in my thoughts often and I feel a very close attachment to you as my Janome mentor. You are truly inspiring both as a mentor and as a beautiful child of God!! You are so brave in venturing into new realms of discovery. You are truly blessed as is your entire family. Stay strong, my friend, and know that you are LOVED.

  11. You’ve always got people, YOUR people…. Hugs to you dear…..

  12. Prayers for speedy recovery of your fall! Hugs Cheeto and the rest! Hugs!

  13. Prayers for speedy recovery of your fall! Hug Cheeto and the rest! Hugs!

  14. Oh Kimberly…praying this storm passes quickly and all is safe and secure with you. As I read your blog, I couldn’t help but think about a quote I just shared from book I am reading…”It’s important that you adjust your expectations of what you can accomplish to your season of life.” Even when our seasons of life are not producing much creativity, we should remember to take care of ourselves and prepare for the next season. Big Hugs, Warm wishes, Holidays Blessings and Prayers for you and your family.

  15. Please stay safe. As you both begin this new adventure may you be surrounded by love and faith. Prayers for continued blessings for you and yours.

  16. The storms here in the Midwest have been scarey also. Loneliness is hard anytime, so glad you are able to keep busy. I made the block for a contest in an organization in which I belong, “Grange” patrons of husbandry. I made several trying to get a”perfect” one. So I ended up making enough for a twin size quilt.
    So excited that you have enough for 2 quilts.
    Prayers for comfort during your time apart from your husband.

  17. Kimberly, I’m so sorry to hear you have been going through some storms. Know you’re in my thoughts and prayers. You’re a strong woman and very soon things will get better. Your trust and faith are right where they should be. He will take care of you and yours.

  18. Sending love and strength. ❤

  19. Wishing you bright blessings. All will be well.

  20. Praying for you at this moment and asking the Lord to provide for every need, to bring comfort and to feel his presence and love. I wil be keeping you in my prayers in the days ahead. Be of good cheer!

  21. I’m so sorry it’s been a rough year for you all, and I’m hopeful that the new year will bring only joy to you all. You’ll see Mr Kim again soon, and what a reunion that’ll be. In the meantime, put all of your quilts to good use when those storms hit and stay safe. ( my pantry always has some ready to eat food in case the power goes out, we keep battery powered flashlights, bottles of water near and always keep your phones fully charged, and gas in the car.) you can ride out any storm Kimberly because you are just such a strong woman inside and out. God bless you all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  22. All these sweet ladies have left you such encouraging and heartfelt messages so I say ditto to every word. I send prayers for you and Kent and furry kids and hugs too! I’m grateful you and Kent connect each day if only for a bit!! Keep leaning on the Lord as He will get you through!! ??

  23. Good Morning Kimberly, I hope this morning has brought some relief of the angst from the blistering weather and fall.
    True friends will stick by through thick and thin. Others from what they only receive and take, they become an acquaintance. Bless them and let them move on.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  24. It’s scary to be in high winds! I hope they abate soon and you stay safe. I better get sewing on my shoo fly block! I know it’s hard to be apart from Kent. So much going on while the pandemic continues is definitely a challenge. Big hug from me to you.

  25. Why is it when we need them most is when we find out who our real friends are. I can still hear my mom saying, “this too shall pass”. Life will always give us challenges to keep us on our toes…
    Wishing you, Kent, Josh and Andrew Merry Christmas ? and continuing to keep you in my prayers. ????
    Best Wishes, Carolyn

  26. Kimberly and Family,

    You have spoken wisely calling on your true refuge and strength.
    Ultimately, all will be well with your souls.

    Psalm 91…

    If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
    and you make the Most High your dwelling,
    10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.
    11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;
    12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
    13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

    14 “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
    15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
    16 With long life I will satisfy him
    and show him my salvation.”

    From your friends in Canal Fulton Ohio

  27. WOW! Big storms and all alone is not fun. Glad you are safe had to be scary for you and the fur babies. I am in Ohio so the only help I can give is to keep you in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your faith. Merry Christmas! Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

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