I’ve been away from posting on my blog and and I’ve missed sharing updates. But there has been a good reason for my absence: we’ve been making some life-changing decisions about our future.
Four years ago, my sweet husband was offered the opportunity to take on a new challenge with a large defense contractor and we moved from Northern Virginia to Southern California. At the time, we hoped we might be able to stay here until it would be time for him to retire (8 years from now) from his full-time career as an IT specialist. We joked at the time that move #18 would be our last.
But God has other plans for us and we’ve always chosen to follow where He leads.
Recently, Kent was offered a wonderful promotion within his company. This opportunity came completely out of the blue and I can honestly say it had never been on our radar. It is an exciting position — one he is thrilled about — so there has never been any question that I will support him in every possible way. But there is a catch; this new position will require us to move. And not just a move across town or beyond state lines or even from the west coast to the east coast. This move will require us to move overseas! After thought, careful consideration, and prayer, he has accepted the position and we are in the midst of preparing for move #19.
Our next adventure will be to the middle of the Australian Outback — Alice Springs!
We’ve lived overseas in Germany on two other occasions so this isn’t our first experience in moving internationally. However, I can honestly say in the past two months we’ve encountered more obstacles and hurdles than all 18 of our past moves combined. The situation with COVID hasn’t made it easier. The biggest challenge of moving in the middle of the pandemic is the country-wide lockdown and quarantine time. Kent will be leaving before I will. The fact that Australia is one of the few remaining countries in the entire world to still be rabies-free makes the process of importing our cherished furry family members daunting. We’ve hired a pet relocation company and there is still a seemingly unending amount of paperwork and veterinary visits to be done. So I will remain stateside until our kitties complete the initial six-month quarantine process here in the US. Then they will have to quarantine for two weeks in a facility in Melbourne. Besides all the medical and psychological testing, interviews and applying for the permits and visas, we’re also in the midst of selling our home and preparing to ship a portion of our household goods by sea (which is estimated to take up to four months.) The rest of our belongings will be in storage. We’re keeping our beloved cabin as home base.
Simply put, there is a lot of work to make this happen.
This major life change has come with the realization my career path will also change from the trajectory I had been moving for so long. But the key word is “change” and it simply means the next two years will be different. I have chosen to view this adventure as a time to experience new and exciting things. I can hardly wait to experience a new culture. I’m thrilled for the opportunity to see parts of the world I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would see! I’m eager to be inspired by new and interesting sights, sounds, colors, flora, fauna and most of all, new friends.
We realize there will be many challenges ahead. We’re not looking forward to being separated for several months. The sheer remoteness of Alice Springs to any other cities is vast. I don’t fare well in heat and their summers are some of the most intense on the planet. And then there are those swarms of flies (think Biblical plague proportions.) Yes, we are aware of the immense challenges ahead. But we’re also prepared to meet those challenges and cherish all the good in store, too.
The folks at Janome have been so wonderful, gracious, and supportive and have assured me I will be able to continue to share videos and projects as the National Spokesperson (maybe in a new, international liaison capacity?), including a brand new embroidery design collection (coming soon!) plus another BOM Blitz II Quilt with you! Even though I will be half a world a way, thanks to the far-reaching capabilities of social media and the internet I will be continue to share new projects and ideas. I will still blog. I will post quilty photos on Facebook and Instagram. You’ll still see our furry family members and their antics.
We believe God has a plan for Kent with this new position and He has a plan for my life — surely so much more than I can even begin to imagine!
A favor to ask….
In light of this major change, I thought it would be fun to create a quilt constructed from blocks lovingly made by my peers, students, friends and acquaintances I have come in contact with in this amazing, worldwide quilting community. I thought long and hard about the type of block would be quick and easy for everyone to make and send. And with a tongue-in-cheek, impish grin, I came up with the idea of the traditional “Shoo Fly” block — perfect all the months I’ll be dealing with those terrible flies, wouldn’t you agree?

I’m requesting a 9.5″ x 9.5″ (unfinished) Shoo Fly Block.
Would you please make a block for me?
This block is so easy to make. Simply click the link below to download easy-peasy instructions. What I’d really love is for you to write on the block (in permanent ink, please!). I would like you to sign it and include the city, state or country where you live. I would be so happy if you would add a few lines about how our paths have crossed — even if only virtually! You can write a word or two of encouragement, a simple prayer or just draw a cute picture. I want this quilt to be very personal and unique and something I can wrap up in and feel the love and good wishes from lovely folks and quilting friends from around the globe. I can’t begin to tell you how much this will mean to me!
Simply click this link: shooFlyBlock
Please use 100% cotton fabric; white for the background and any jewel-toned print or solid fabric for the half-square triangles and center square. How easy is that?
Simply send your block to me prior to December 1, 2021 at:
Kimberly Einmo
PO Box 1785
Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Thank you for your support, love, encouragement, and friendship. Thank you in advance for helping to be a part of this very special quilt that I will lovely make while I’m in quarantine in a foreign country. It means more to me than you could ever know.
Wishing both of you the very best.
Enjoy your new adventure and I cannot wait to see what you get to experience.
Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Hi Kimberley, I am an Australian who has enjoyed your videos so I want to say welcome to Australia, while some of us are still in lockdown by the time you get here hopefully we will be mostly vaccinated and travel around the country will be less restrictive. I haven’t been to Alice Springs yet, a planned holiday through central Australia has been derailed by COVID. I am sure you will find Australia a fabulous place if you get a chance to travel around. I hope you can find time to continue your videos and maybe incorporate some of the fabulous First Nations designed fabrics.
Hope all the preparation for your trip goes smoothly, it’s a massive thing to move countries.
You are going to have a fabulous time! I’ve been to Australia twice and would go back in a heart beat. They are such friendly and laid back folks. No worries mate really means slow down no hurries. I’m so thrilled for you.
The only business trip my husband took that I went on was to Australia. We were there for nearly four wonderful weeks. While he worked, I got to see Melbourne, Sydney, and Woologong. I even went with an Australian woman to her guild meeting. I will be sending a block. Jean …Nancy Heck’s sister
PS we will miss you.
Wheels are already spinning on what colors and fabric to use. Something to keep my mind busy on exactly what zi want to say. Watch out you might be making more than one quilt and double sided.
Best wishes to you, Kent and your fur babies on your adventure.
Absolutely! You’ve inspired me since the first time I met you – I was working on the AQS quilt shows with Bonnie and your first book was just published. You’re cheerful outlook on all the ‘behind the seams’ that goes on with putting on a show, your excitement with your book, all of it made for a great experience. All best wishes for this new adventure — I look forward to watching this new chapter! And I still want to take some of your classes! You’re one of the reasons I bought my Skyline S7, too. With fond best regards, Cathy
Wow Kimberly Einmo you are a woman of faith and an inspiration to me. I wish you Ken and your family (including furry members) all the best and I look forward to your posts from Alice Springs!
What a wonderful opportunity. Many Blessings in your new venture and adventures. You will be missed state side and great to know that we will still be able to “see” you virtually.
Safe travels. ?????
What a wonderful adventure! Can’t wait to join in via your posts & pictures. I know you will make the most of it. Enjoy!!
OH, my, gosh! This is very exciting but obviously a huge project! I am very happy for Kent to have this amazing opportunity and so glad that you can continue to teach and inspire online. All that Zoom experience will come in handy! I wonder if this changes your plan to travel to Japan in May? I hope that is still on! I have to warn you, I may want to visit you in Australia! One of the most moving PBS shows I saw years ago was a series called A Town Like Alice based on Nevil Shute’s novel, which made me want to visit it! Fair warning! Of course I will make a block for your quilt!
God bless and safe travels. Looking forward to a new BOM blitz!
How exciting & nerve wrecking!! Praying for you & your family for patience & encouragement.
So happy for you both, yet so sad to see you go so far away. Thank goodness for technology and with Mr. Kim being an IT specialist, you’ll always be a click away! I hope this means we will still see you in Houston and I can’t wait to see what new things you pick up from those amazing Australian quilters! God bless you both!!
For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. ‘” — Jeremiah 29:11
I’m so blessed that you both have come into my many vacation and Quilting Adventures. I can’t wait to see what the future brings. “Blessings”
Ps! There are going to be many blocks coming from Florida friends?
I am so happy for your new adventure, but so sad to see you go so far away. Thank goodness for technology and I know Mr. Kim will keep you connected. Can’t wait to see what new things you learn from those awesome Australian quilters! Hope we’re still going to see you in Houston!
God Bless you both!
For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. ‘” — Jeremiah 29:11
Oh Kimberly!!
You’re not kidding about “a new adventure’!! How exciting. All the hoops (no pun intended?) that you are having to jump thru, will surely build endurance in you both!!! I imagine the regulations about the pets is the most difficult for you, as it would be for me.
You have amazing talent and your teaching style is a gift that you can share from anywhere on the planet. I will most definitely be keeping you and Ken in my prayers in the weeks and months ahead. Please stay safe and well and I will look forward to hearing about your journey.
Wow Kimberly what an adventure! It’s been on my bucket list forever but will never happen for me! Will look forward to pictures and stories! Best of luck in your new venture.
A shoo fly block!! What a great idea. I’m on it!!
You are going to LOVE the quilt shop in Alice Springs. I have fabric from there. I think you will like aboriginal art as well. I have been to Australia twice and would go again as there is so much to see and do. We will miss you here in the States but know that if this was planned by a higher power then it was meant to be. Bright blessings to you and Kent (Mr. Kim). Love you both and looking forward to reading more of this big adventure.
Kimberly and Kent,
All of my best wishes to you both on your next adventure! I think it’s absolutely fabulous for you to be able to explore and enjoy yet another culture. Will we all miss you here? Absolutely, positively YES. That said…I’m sure Zoom will help you stay connected with all of us. Continue to be as creative as you are and enjoy this new time in your lives.
Much love to you both!
Kimberly, Wow! How exciting and it will be quite the adventure for you both. What a great opportunity to experience the culture and the quilting of such an exotic place. I have always wanted to go there. I can’t wait to see your future quilts using some local fabric. Your separation from both Kent and the cats will go by quickly and you will be reunited before you know it. Following God’s will for your lives will bring such blessings. Best wishes as you transition to your new lives. I can’t wait to see photos of down under but will miss your lovely mountain views and sunset photos. I’m excited to make a block for you.
Hugs and prayers.
Wow moving to our country! Lucky you. Uluru is a very spiritual place and you will love the sunrises and sunsets out there, just don’t expect the watery beaches, sand yes water no. Hot days, dry months, flies, cold nights. And you will need to fly anywhere.
We are planning a road trip through the centre of Australia in July August next year that will take us through Alice on “The World’s Longest Shortcut”.
Enjoy your new adventure there is a lot of Australia “outback”, Alice will be a great launching point for seeing more of what Oz can show off.
Lucky you going to the Lucky Country! My husband was transferred & brought us to Perth, Australia for about 5 years (returned to US in 2016) and we absolutely loved it. We also brought out pets and found the best way to do that was through experts because of all the paperwork. We enjoyed Australia so much that we didn’t want to leave, but couldn’t figure out how to stay! We visited Alice Springs and found it to be a very interesting place. I hope you get to travel throughout the country, it is awesome! Happy to give you some recommendations. I also hope that Covid is soon under control so that it doesn’t interfere with things you want to do. Best wishes (although you do not know me I enjoy your posts & patterns!)
I am so excited to hear this news. As an Australian in NSW I am hoping you may do some travelling for Janome, if not maybe next winter after our Delta strain is under control we could come visit. May Gods blessings and protection be with you as you follow His lead ?❤️
God’s blessings to you and Kent as you go forward on this new journey.
It sounds like a wonderful opportunity. What a lovely country to move to! I’m grateful that we were able to have you come to our quilt club and to spend time with you, and to take classes from you. I will send a block for your quilt and look forward to all that you will share with us.
Looking forward to welcoming you Downunder. You’ll probably miss the most intense heat. Poor Mr Kim will have to endure it alone
Hi Amanda,
Not sure why you would say they would miss the most intense heat as that is in the wet season which starts in November through to April and is the hottest time. It is something that you become acclimatised to over time. But thank goodness for air-conditioning lol
What a fun idea! I hope i can send one to you. I emailed you a while ago because I heard you talk at Sew Expo in Puyallup, WA and remembered you had mentioned your time overseas. I just recently moved to the Netherlands and experienced similar (although not quite as extensive) moving challenges. Good luck and i can’t wait to hear all about your adventures in Australia.
Also, a few years ago, I went to a workshop for Sewing Revolution, which is a company based out of Australia. I don’t know if you know of the company but they have lovely quilt designs and I think work with Janome as well since we embroidered and quilted on Janome machines at the workshop.
Good luck and God bless you! You’re an inspiration!
Woo hoo! Congrats on your latest adventure!
Oh my what an adventure. Australia is on the top of my bucket list, since 5th grade. My friend Maree Witney owns a wonderful quilt shop.OzQuilts
PO Box 255
Mount Waverley
ABN 85079289071
Phone: 61 03 9886 5323
Will definitely check this out when travel between the states is allowed again.
I forgot to ask, do you have a home in Alice Springs to move to? Is this a long term move? Blessings for an easy move.
Robin — Kent’s position is for two years. We don’t have a home yet; the housing market seems to be tight there. It may prove difficult with four cats to find a lovely rental home, but we are trusting that God will make a way!
Wow you have been busy preparing for a big change. But how exciting. I see you teaching in Australia/New Zealand and having a blast. Many highly talented quilters down under and so much to see. I think you will make an excellent International Ambassador and I’m looking forward to your soon to be released machine embroidery design collection. I will happily make a shoofly block for you and I hope it helps. Also consider taking some essential oils with you as they do help with keeping flies away.
Darlene — good to know about the essential oils. Which do you recommend? We have the kitties, so I am always cautious about using candles, or anything scented in the house. But would love to know which essential oils will help with those nasty flies.
hello Kimberly, I have learned so much from you. enjoyed mr. Kent and you lovely cats. you will be you no matter where you are! I love your laughter and how happy i feel when I am watching your videos. I wish the best in you new adventure. you will make your new home shine, that I am sure off. thank you for all you do.
Wow— Alice Springs! It is very remote, but such stark beauty. And the flowers are amazing when in bloom.
The flies are beyond nasty. When we were there we needed netting over our heads all the way to our shoulders to keep them out of our eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. They are desperately seeking moisture wherever they can find it.
Best of luck!
I am so happy for you and Kent. I know there will be challenges, but you are so talented and can do what you love anywhere. I have always wanted to go to Australia. Can’t wait to hear all about it.
Enjoy your new adventure. I watch your videos whenever I can and I just bought the Continental M7. Because of you I feel like I already know the machine.
Your comment just made my day! THANK YOU!!Enjoy your new M7. It is the BEST.
Kimberly, I very much want to make the star quilt made with jelly rolls shown on Pinterest but can’t determine which book it’s in. Can you tell me? It’s in blues and greens and underneath it, it says “The BIG Day has arrived!
Arlene — that quilt is Lone Starburst and is in my Jelly Roll Quilt Magic book.
Safe travels and prayers that everyone and everything all land in one piece! What an adventure! You will be greatly missed at VQF – where I had the pleasure of meeting you when I got into your mystery quilt class and did the “I got in – Happy Dance!”, and then proceeded to make my “animal pops” quilt.❤?????
Donna – I could never forget you! I’ll be back to VQF in 2023!!!! Can’t wait to see you then.
Life is a gift an he send us where we are needed. Thank goodness for online access and I look forward to seeing your demos and offerings from across the world. Best to you both
I am so excited for you! AU has been on my bucket list since before the ‘term’ bucket list came into being. I know the thrill of living overseas and wish you the best of luck! When I met you in Phoenix, we talked about scuba diving and underwater photography (in addition to quilting, of course!). I wish you the best of luck, Kimberly, and can’t wait to see dive pictures from the Great Barrier Reef! I will send you a block!
Congratulations and I wish you both the very best!! How exciting!!
Congratulations Kimberly and Kent. Sending you prayers for safe travels and blessings on your new adventures. I met you in Beaumont,TX at our guild meeting. I took your class. I have several book and patterns. I will miss your pictures from Lake Arrohead.I grew up in San Bernardino so your pictures remind me of home. Hopefully I see you at Houstonquilt show. Best wishes
Oh my, and I thought you would continue being a Southern CA girl like me! Now you are going for a major change and adventure! Each of your moves brings personal growth, cultural growth, new friends and unique memories!! I’m excited for you and Kent and wish the best for you, Kent and the three kitties. Good luck on finding a home, getting everything and every BODY there safely.
What a blessing for you and Kent to be able to see another part of the world. I met you in Houston and took several classes from you, which I thoroughly enjoyed in spite of learning a lot.
God blessed you with such a special gift of sharing your knowledge with others. You are one of the best instructors I ever had the pleasure to meet. Your humor makes all your classes unforgettable.
Lots of love and blessings for all of you.
Enjoy your time in Australia, I know you will make the best of it and remember: The LORD keeps watch over you, as you come and go, both now and forever. Psalm 121:8
Kim and Mr Kim,
I wish you both the best for these coming two years. I hope you return.
I will miss seeing both of you and all the kitties. I hope they will be ok. Cheeto will be wondering where his treats have gone by your sewing machine. Are you taking your machines with you? You will probably start a quilting trend where you move to.
Are the cats going into 6 month quarantine in a strange place away from you Kim? I hope not. Too bad Mr Kim’s new job did not get you a place to live with the fur babies. Sounds like you will be far from everything. You will certainly need to keep up with videos if possible. Will really really miss all of you. Two years will fly by.
Will be wonderful having you and Cheeto ? in Australia. Would love for you to come and visit us at Janome Australia.
I will definitely come to visit Janome Australia!!! That would be such an honor and a highlight for me! Once I arrive in country, let’s make a date!
Good luck on your new adventure. With your personality and optimism you and Mr Kim will do great
I totally enjoyed all the virtual classes we did. This gave me am opportunity I would never have had otherwise.
Take care, stay safe and God bless
Kimberly, God is good and with him all things are possible although sometimes we think it is not. He gives as the strength to go on. The pictures of
Australia look awesome it appears to be a beautiful surrounding. Some of the areas almost look like parts of New Mexico with the red colored mountains.
yes I will make a block for you, you have given me so very much inspiration. I will see you in Houston. God bless, Bea