BOM Blitz Classes

Many of you have been following along on the Janome Facebook pages these past several months where the talented Janome educators and I have been presenting LIVE events, demos, tutorials and classes. If you haven’t been watching, well…..oh my goodness — what are you waiting for? Since the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve collectively created a supportive and encouraging community of sewing enthusiasts (whether or not they are Janome machine owners) from all walks of life and around the globe which is now almost 100k strong! This feat alone has taken dedication and forward thinking. No other sewing machine manufacturers have stepped up to engage their customers and support their dealers in this creative way. I have never been more proud to be part of such a talented and dedicated group of people so committed to providing inspiration and education all while having fun through this brand-new, virtual medium!

If you have a Facebook account, run right over to the Janome Sewing Machines page and the Janome Sewing Classroom page to join. 

And while you’re there, I’d like to personally invite YOU to:

Join me for a very special 

Block of the Month Blitz
class series Quilt-Along!

It’s absolutely not too late to join me for this fun, skill-building quilt series! All you need is a kit which includes my Signature line of rulers (Precision Flying Geese & HST Ruler, Precision Jelly Roll Ruler, and Precision Precuts Ruler) plus a Jelly Roll of 40 – 2 1/2″ strips and 3 1/2 yards of background fabric. You can get the kits (with or without the yummy colors of my Solid-ish fabric line) by going through your local Janome dealer, OR simply CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE.

Then, go HERE to download the FREE instructions you’ll need to make this kit along with me!

I’ve already presented the first two of the four-class series, and you can find those HERE and HERE

The third class sign-up is HERE. (And be sure to check out this little video!)

The fourth class sign-up is HERE.

These classes are FREE!

No matter where you live or what your skill level is, let me help you improve your piecing skills, learn new tips and tricks, and feel productive all while making a beautiful, modern quilt from 2 1/2″ strips! 

My husband and I feel it is such a privilege to invite you into our home and my studio and we want nothing more than to make you feel welcome; as if you’re right in the room with us! So please join us tomorrow from 1-3pm, EST.

Go to the Facebook Janome Sewing Classroom page and that’s where you’ll be able to join LIVE. 

See you tomorrow!

(And of course, Cheeto will most certainly be there, too!)


  1. Looking forward to seeing you and Mr Kim and of course Cheeto!

  2. I’m trying to find the rulers that are needed to follow along with the blocks. Did find the instructions and was able to down load and print out. I’m new to quilting, but not to sewing. I have tried to ckeck on the rulers, but keep getting rerouted to other sites.

    • I’m so sorry you’re having an issue finding the rulers, Janice! I will send you links to them in an email.

  3. Of course we will be there too! It seems like so long since the last class …. we miss you!!! And we just love everything you and all the Janome team has done to make this time so much more enjoyable.

  4. Hi Kimberly
    wow im doing block I have my janome 12000 on 8.9
    now with this block I ended up 11 x11 and if I cut down to 10 1/2 I cut off my triangles
    im getting exasperated
    what can I do or what am I doing wrong
    judy brayer in aberta ,canaada

    • Judy –
      The good news is, if you decide to remake the block you will have plenty of fabric from your jelly roll to make it again. So please don’t worry about not having enough fabric.
      Finding the “sweet spot” of that perfect scant 1/4″ seam takes practice and patience in the beginning. It sounds as though that 8.9 setting on your machine is TOO scant — and therefore your block was too large. What foot are you using? If you have the O foot with the guide, try using that and change the needle position to 8.5. Practice sewing the 1/4″ seam on sample fabric or scraps and MEASURE.
      Also, have you read my blog post about the true definition of what a scant 1/4″ seam actually is? You can find it here:
      Be gentle with yourself. It takes EVERYONE a bit of time and experimentation to find that sweet spot. Also — be sure to sew with 50wt thread (cotton, preferably). And don’t be frustrated. You WILL conquer this and then be piecing like a true pro!

  5. Hi there,
    I bought the Blitz kit a couple years ago and had started it then, I put it away and just pulled it out to finish and I cannot find any of my directions.
    Is it possible to get a copy of the pattern still?
    Thank you,
    Terri Lynn Normoyle

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