Hellooooooooooo! Is anyone out there? Am I the only one or is anyone else wondering where on earth has the summer gone? Every year in late May I think it will be different. But every summer, I find it almost impossible to post consistently to this blog. I try; really I do! But for some reason the days and weeks fly by and turn into months. Here we are and its almost time to buy school supplies and gear up for fall again. So. I think a brief recap is in order, don’t you?
This year in particular, I’ve been busier than ever. I designed, prepared and taped classes for Craftsy. It was lots and long hours of hard work and preparation but 0h-so-fun to fly to Denver to tape those classes. I released my 5th book published by AQS. Who’d have ever dreamed I would author five books? I taught all over the US for some terrific guilds and some amazing national shows. I traveled. A lot. And I’m getting ready to continue my travels to teach on another cruise to Alaska in August followed by teaching and headlining a special event brunch at AQS QuiltWeek in Grand Rapids, MI.

My fabulous editor, Linda Lasco, brought a gourmet lunch to the Vermont Quilt Festival and we enjoyed a happy lunch hour with Lorraine Torrence.

I had the privilege of working with Dave LaVally at both MQX and VQF. Did you know he donated 35 brand new Janome sewing machines to every child who entered a quilt at VQF? He’s amazing!

You should have seen the looks on the munchkins faces when those sewing machines were unveiled. Priceless!
Admittedly, there hasn’t been any downtime for me this summer, although I’m certainly not complaining. In fact, I have been working and pushing harder than ever to meet deadlines and ensure that my many commitments are met. I must remember to schedule some time to slow down and enjoy a slower pace next summer. I’ve heard some quilting teachers say they literally take a month off in the summer to relax and recharge. What a concept! You’ll remember to remind me of this as I plan my teaching and travel schedule out through 2016 and 2017, won’t you? Yes, I’ve been busy. But I also feel so incredibly blessed to do what I love and share my passion for quilting with so many. God is good!
This week, though, I’ve been prepping the house for a special visit. I can’t share with you exactly who’s coming (oh, how I wish I could) but this visit is BIG. I’ve been sworn to secrecy at least for the time being. On the plus side, our home has never looked better! My house is usually very tidy and organized but for these special visitors, I went all out. I pulled out dozens of quilts – even more than usual – and draped them everywhere around the house. It was fun to see and touch some quilts again that have been tucked safely away in storage for awhile. Sort of like visiting old friends. It was like looking back through a diary to see how my technical skills have grown and improved over the years. There may be mistakes in those early quilts, but they are still cherished, appreciated and loved.

I finally took the time to hang my extensive thimble collection. They are like a diary of cities and countries I’ve visited since 2000.
I’m also preparing for that trip to Alaska next week. Of course the highlight will be meeting all the wonderful students and teaching some of my favorite classes on board. But I’ll also enjoy the breathtaking scenery and views. I’ll breathe in the cool, crisp northern air. And hopefully spot some wildlife, too with camera in hand. I never get tired of seeing those amazing, glorious sights.
So I hope you’ll check back with me later in August. Because that’s when I’ll have some other BIG news to share. I’ve got a fun blog-hop with giveaways planned for early September, and lots of other exciting things on the horizon. I hope you’re having a great summer, too. Hopefully with more free time to relax and enjoy the process of quilting! But most of all, I hope you’re feeling blessed. I know I truly do. Enjoy the rest of the summer and remember to count your blessings!
Just sent you an e-mail and wanted to say hello. I am one of your students when you come to Road to California. I WISH I could afford one of the cruises….they sound like such fun. Maybe next year if you have one planned! I agree with you about the summer flying by and cannot believe how quickly the months are passing. But maybe that is just because I suffer from short-term memory loss….what day of the week is it again? LOL Be sure to post pictures from the cruise so I can see what I am missing!
Hi Kimberly,
This summer has certainly flown by, maybe because we spent the endless seemingly endless winter months anticipating the summer weather and vacations.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer, and perhaps have a little bit of “down time” after the “Big Visit”. Oooh, I’m going to guess maybe Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims? That would be awesome. I have read that they recently visited some of my other favorite quilters. Whoever it is, I hope you have a wonderful time, and that you let us in on the fun!
I’ve almost finished my Magical Blocks, Out of the Box quilt. That has been my project this summer, along with redecorating my sewing studio. I have had temporary sewing areas all over the house! But my quilt is coming out lovely.