July 7, 2005 – August 21, 2019
Last week, I attended Janome Institute 2019 in Atlanta. It was a fabulous event spent with hundreds of US and Canadian Janome dealers and dozens of hard working and talented educators. I was privileged to introduce two brand new machines at the opening ceremony. But on the same day, we received a frantic phone call from our pet sitter saying our sweet Divot’s health had deteriorated rapidly in 24 hours. She took Divot to the local vet and after many tests, administering medication and putting her on oxygen, she continued to decline. By 4:30pm, we spoke to the vet who told us nothing could be done and the humane thing to do was to help her cross Rainbow Bridge peacefully. Kent and I held each other in the hotel room and sobbed. We talked to her over the phone and our pet sitter lovingly held her close in our absence. Still, we were filled with remorse we weren’t there with her. By 6:30pm, I was dressed, composed and by the grace of God, made the presentation to an enthusiastic audience. It was a day filled with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.
It was difficult to come home to a quiet house; even the cats seemed to realize their buddy wasn’t there anymore.
Divot was loved, adored and cherished by our family, neighbors, and so many who knew her. Thanks for the notes of sympathy and condolences on social media. I’ve read them all and they mean so very much to me.
We’ll rebound. We have so much love to give that I’m sure another rescue pet will join our family in the future.
In the meantime, hold your pets tight and give them lots of love. They are treasures here on earth.
Kimberly, I am so sorry to hear about your divot. I know how it feels and the pain will subside,but the love and joy and hugs and kisses will remain in your ? forever. I am happy that you made it through your presentation I am sure that was not easy. Just know in your ? that divot loved you both and remember the good times. I wished I could give you a hug. You will be in my thoughts and prayers ?❣️❣️??????. Hugs, Denise
Thank you Denise. Your words truly are a comfort and I appreciate them so much!
Dear Kimberly, What an awful thing to happen when you were away. The same thing happened to us. Our dear Cavalier Toby and his younger sister were staying with our best friends when we were away, and we had that dreaded call at 4am the morning we were due to come home. Our friend Fran was absolutely distraught and even now, 2 years later, she struggles with the memory of Toby’s last few hours. We too wished so much we could have been with him, but his time had come. Our precious vet who had known Toby since he was a weeny puppy was with him at the last.
We love our fur babies so very much, and the hole in our hearts never really heals. We took Toby’s ashes to the place he loved best, and scattered them with our friends for that last goodbye. My love to you and Kent, and God bless you both. Love from Mary xx
Oh Mary, I’m so sorry for what happened to your Toby! It’s an awful thing to be away. Someone posted that it might have been Divot’s (and perhaps Toby’s?) way of sparing us the pain. We truly appreciated our vet’s compassion and the way he handled the entire thing. He spoke to us for some time on the phone and never rushed us and even held the phone to Divot’s ear so we could talk to her and say goodbye. Under the circumstances, it was the best outcome we could have hoped for. I still get teary thinking about her, but I always smile knowing I was blessed to have that precious little being in my life for so many years. She was a treasure, just like your Toby was, too.
Thank you for including me in your note about Divot. Such a cute and sweet dog. It’s so hard to say goodbye but I’m sure what you did was best for Divot and your family. 3 weeks ago I was visiting my daughter and we had to say goodbye to her sweet rescue dog name Louie. She loved him so much I did too and I was glad to be with her for this difficult time. Thankfully you and Kent were together. I like what you said about a future rescue who will need you. Theres a beautiful feeling of hope. Thank you. God bless you and your family with peace. Bev
Bev – I’m so sorry for what you just went through with Louie! It is never easy and breaks our hearts; yet we have so much capacity for love and there are so many animals who NEED that love. We know another pup is in our future. Divot would have wanted that, too.
Oh Kim, my heart is with you while you grieve for Divot, our pets bring us such joy and comfort. He is romping with our Krista and Soda Pup. Sending hugs to your pet sitter too, what a treasure.
Mary Sue, I’m SURE Divot is up over Rainbow Bridge romping with so many friends, including Krista and Soda Pup (What a great name!) Thank you so much for your kind words.
I’m sooo sorry. That is the hardest thing I know to do. We had to put down one of our cats this past New Years Eve due to kidney failure. Never having been through this before it was harder than I had realized.Just know your little one is in a better place and no longer in any pain. Please remember that above all. Then you can reflect on the good times and smile and laugh again.
Susan, I’m so sorry to hear you had to go through this with your kitty. It’s just part of life, I guess. What IS comforting is that Divot lived a very long and happy life. She never suffered or endured pain (up until the very last day) so I’m grateful she didn’t linger. Her quality of life remained so high.
Sorry for your loss. Our pets hold their places in our hearts.
Thank you so much, Robin. FOREVER in our hearts.
I know what you mean and the hurt is so real. When we came to Bend, our sweet Catie died on my foot the f irst week we were here. She was healthy and happy and playing ball ten minutes before. I am so sorry you lost Divet…I know you have special memories to help heal the heart…which never heals. We will never know why she died as it was a Saturday afternoon and our vet was closed and the Emergency folks would not do an autopsy. You know you gave her all your love.
Gwen – I’m so sorry for your loss, too! Our beloved pets give us such unconditional love and acceptance and they live their entire lives pouring their hearts out for us. Divot, like your Catie, blessed us richly.
Sorry for lose Kim, fur babies are like children in our hearts and home.
Janet – Thank you for your kind words. Divot lived a long and happy life with us; she was adored and pampered from the time we took her in as a pup! We were blessed to have her in our lives.
Deepest sympathies. . . .our furry friends are never around long enough.
Sending prayers for comfort to you and your family.
Thank you so much, Sherry. Your words are truly appreciated.
I am so very sorry for your loss. What an adorable little doggie she was! My dog is a rescue, too, and she is so sweet and loving. She also thinks she is a guard dog and that it is her responsibility to keep strangers and other animals from coming in front of our house.
The heart is remarkable. We can love another dog and never forget the ones we have lost. I saw my little Gussie online and adopted her immediately. She has been such a love. We have had her for nearly four years now.
You will open your heart to another dog, too.
You are absolutely right, Karen. We, as a family, have so much love to give. We have always said we’ll do our part to adopt animals in need and love them for their whole lives while on this earth. We know that another pup is in our future….
Kimberly, such sad news but glad you had the chance to love and nurture your pet. Glad that the good-bye does not prevent a hello to another pet in need.
Best wishes, Carol
Carol — Kent and I feel that since we have abundant love for animals and the means to care for them, we will have a rescue dog in our household as long as we are physically able. We feel a great responsibility about this. I wish more people felt so inclined. There are so many deserving animals waiting for their forever homes.
Kimberly and Kent,
So sorry you lost little Divot, but what a great life you gave her!
This July my almost 16 year old Springer Spaniel, Rosie, also a rescue, decided to leave and, although my husband and I looked for her everywhere, and called the local Humane Society and went online to see if anyone had seen her, I have had to accept that she chose that time to go off by herself, as cats and dogs sometimes do. I am still heartbroken, but hope to get another rescue dog later on when I feel ready.
Our pets teach us so much and give such love and companionship, I know I can’t go for long without one.
A hug, and take care,
Lynn, what a beautiful story you have shared about Rosie. Thank you. I’m sure she knew it was her time and needed to do what nature told her. Nature is awesome that way. I, too, have come to accept that Divot probably wanted to spare the hardship of the good-bye. She and I had spent a sweet, cuddly afternoon the Sunday prior where I just stroked her fur and talked to her and told her how much we loved her. I never realized it would be our last time to quietly cuddle together, but I think SHE knew. Thank you for being willing to open your heart again for a rescue. I know we’ll be doing the same.
I’m so sorry to hear about your beloved Divot. Pets are such a precious and wonderful thing. We bring them into our homes and hearts knowing that we will have to say goodbye to them before we want to. But the joy they bring to us is the sweetest of things. I hope your hearts will begin to ache less as the days go by and the memories will bring happiness to you.
My shop owners were at the Janome institute as well and said you did an amazing job!
Diana –
Many thanks for your kind words about our losing sweet Divot. I appreciate so much that you took the time to offer your heartfelt condolences. And thank you also for the kind words relayed to you by your shop owners! Reading that they thought I did a good job at Janome Institute just makes my day! Thank you so much!
So sorry about your Divot. We had to put our Maggie a little Yorkie down at age 16. We did not get another dog for 2 years but we are enjoying our new dog Lacie a mini Schnauzer. We will never forget Maggie but know she is in a better place. Time will heal.
Pattie –
I’m touched by your kind words at the loss of our Divot. But I’m so happy to hear you have a sweet pooch to love in your Lacie! (Cute name, too!) We’ve had our moments to cry and mourn her loss but I think there’s another rescue pup in our future, too!
Dear Kimberly, please know that I feel the pain of your loss. I am very sorry you lost him, but he’s at peace now, and will await your return at the Rainbow Bridge. When I lost my Gracie, over 2 years ago, I never thought I would miss her the way I do until this very day. But I dwell on the memories, and I’m grateful to God for giving me this precious gift even for a short while. I wish you happiness and good memories of Divot.
Thank you, Paula, for taking time to comment here. I appreciate your words so much! So sorry you lost your sweet Gracie but so glad you’re keeping memories of her alive and fresh in your mind! Sending big hugs to you!