The waning hours of 2022 are upon us. Less than 24 hours to go until a new year will be ushered in to greet us all.

Sweet Fuzzy Wuzzy, napping on the cool patio during very warm days.

Roo food, apples, and water were always on hand at Chez Einmo.
This year, perhaps more than most, I’m glad to see the end of 2022 and I’m looking forward with great expectation to everything 2023 will bring. Don’t misunderstand; there were some exciting things which happened in 2022. I think of friends we met along the way, the adventures we experienced (Brisbane, Adelaide, Kangaroo Island, and Sydney), spending a week with our boys in October and again when they surprised us for Christmas, my “great American Janome tour” in November, and of course the kangaroos which became a beloved part of daily life. Oh, how we adored having the Roos in our backyard! We spent hours watching them and enjoying their company through the glass window which separated our world from theirs. We’re so grateful we were able to glimpse bits of their lives, get to know their habits, recognize regular visitors and name them, watch the ways they lovingly cared for their joeys, and marvel at the sweet and quirky way they held and munched their apples. I believe we were actually privileged to witness aspects of Roo daily life most Australians never get to see!
Through social media posts I shared the best of things: exquisite sunsets, cats, quilts, lots of good Janome things, and Roos. The support and love you shared through your comments on those posts — especially the Roo videos and photos — meant the world to me and kept me encouraged and excited to share more with you. I’m always very careful about what I post on social media because I have made a conscious decision not to add to the “noise” of this world by posting controversial or even sad things. I’d rather focus on all that is true and good in this world and share those things with folks rather than contribute to the hurt or more angst people experience.
Along with all the good in 2022, we experienced our share of frustration and heartache. Transitions are always challenging — even under the best of circumstances. But in all honesty, this was a year I will choose to selectively look back on to see only the good things and try to compartmentalize the difficulties and other not-so-good stuff. Late in November, after Kent had completed his 12 month commitment of working at the site in Alice Springs, we thoughtfully and prayerfully made the decision it would be best for us and our family to begin the transition back to the USA.
Normally there is a heat embargo to ship pets on commercial flights from December to April, (because the temperature cannot be more than 35 degrees C on the tarmac for pets to be safely transported in the cargo hold, especially in the Outback.) But a very rare cool front and break in the heat presented itself and the pet transport company helped us jump at the chance to ship the cats out of Alice Springs in an operation lovingly dubbed “Operation Santa Claws.” This last minute opportunity meant we had to quickly make travel plans for us to be in the US to pick them up at LAX customs cargo and transport them safely to our cabin home. I’m relieved and happy to say all the hurried arrangements, execution of the plan, and worry for the kitties while they were in transit ended with them being here at home with us, safe and sound.
Early in December, we had resigned ourselves to a very quiet Christmas, just the two of us. Since we put our home on the market to sell, we chose not to put out any holiday decorations. But a series of unexpected events put things into motion for a very unexpected Christmas! While everything was happening with the relocations of the cats back to the US, our boys planned for Andrew to fly from Florida to California where Josh picked him up at the airport a couple days before Christmas and they surprised us with the best gift EVER! No parents could have been happier to have both of their sons home for a family holiday. It was truly the BEST CHRISTMAS and one we will never forget!
For many reasons, we made the decision it would be best for me not to return to Australia after the holidays. Mr. Kim has since returned to Alice Springs and will wrap up his tenure at the site, manage the pack out of our household goods, oversee the sale of our home, and make arrangements for our final repatriation back to the US. While there were things we enjoyed about this Aussie experience, ultimately, there were many issues which made daily living just too challenging. Remember, never judge another until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. I won’t go into the many reasons here, but suffice it to say we believe this is the best decision for our family.
But the Roos…..oh, the roos. I cried buckets of tears when it was time to leave them. It was probably a good thing I didn’t have much advance notice I was leaving Australia for the last time. Everything was in high gear and I said goodbye to them with a heavy — but oh, so grateful — heart. We’re praying for someone to come behind us who will continue to feed them and love them from a distance, as we did. I’m happy I was able to share them with you all. Hopefully, many of you now have a genuine fondness for these extraordinary creatures since you’ve seen them up close (through my videos) and learned about them and their sweet mannerisms.
So here we are, on the precipice of a new beginning with so many questions, few answers, and another big transition ahead. After having gone through everything we have during the past 18 months, I feel wiser, more mature, and more patient when it comes to not having all the answers we need right now. I’ve had to lean in to my faith, accept grace, and know it is enough God holds our future securely in His hands. There are days I begin to feel anxious but then I stop, count my blessings, and know everything I need for this day is enough.
I’m truly looking forward to all the good things 2023 has just around the corner. More time with friends, easy access to just about anything I need (no longer will I have to wait 6 – 8 weeks for things to be delivered!) being able to see our boys more frequently, lots of Janome fun and goodness (FB lives, projects to share, more dealers to visit), and exciting new quilty things to share with you all.
I wish each one of you nothing but happiness and good things in 2023. I pray it will be a year when your lives will truly be blessed and you’ll find peace amidst any challenges you will face. Let’s head into the new year with a renewed sense of purpose and hope. Who’s with me?
Happy New Year, everyone!
Happy New Year to you and your family. I hope 2023 is as exciting as 2022 was! I do hope that I will get to meet you sometime later this year when my husband and I visit my sister and brother-in-law Judi and C.L.
I’d like that a lot!
Oh my, Kimberly, I am so excited for you! What an adventure to be in Australia, and now a new adventure back here in the US. My prayers and good wishes are with all of you. Thank you for sharing your outback life with us…and yes especially the roos…it was a privilege learning a bit about them and seeing them enjoy your generosity and company. Happy New Year to all of you!
One of the highlights of 2022 was being able to spend a day with you, my friend! Your friendship is precious to me! (Give Rocky and hug for me, too.) Happy New Year!
Welcome back to the US. I thank you so much for sharing your “roo” experience with us….I enjoyed the pics you posted! Looking forward to see more of you on Janome site!!!!!
Thank you so much, Janet! Happy New Year!
Kim, you’ll never know this side of Heaven what a blessing you are to so many. God Bless!
Cathie, thank you so much for those kind words. Means more to me than you could know!
I am most certainly with you. I am looking for a blessing for health and happiness your my family. My sister had to have a double mastectomy She came through with very little pain She got Covid and her husband went to the hospital with Covid and pneumonia. I got shingles on my head and eye and recovering very well. My husband 84 is recovering from a bad fall. My best friend fell no broken bones but a they discover a mass on her kidney took radiation the last day she fell in her driveway and shattered her ulna. We are ready for the new year.
Praying for healing for you, your sister, your husband, her husband and best friend! Time for good health and happiness for sure! God bless you all.
Bless you and yours in the new year. Happy about your decision, had to be a bear to make. Will miss the videos, but so happy you shared. Thank you, good luck and looking forward to more.
I am disappointed you couldn’t stay for the 3 years but happy you’ll be moving back where I hope to see you for a class. What will your husband do and do you think it will take long to sell the house and how long to get all your stuff back to California? I had Australia on my bucket list. Sharing your trip has some what satisfied that!
I am so happy for you! While the roos and the sunsets were great to see, I couldn’t help but imagine what an incredible sense of isolation I would’ve felt in your place. You have a wonderful, positive attitude.
I had a couple tears about you leaving the roos. Like you, I love all animals.
Looking forward to a new great grand baby to arrive in May. It’s a boy!
Happiness to you always, no matter where you live.
Welcome back home! Onward to a healthy happy new year!
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! So thrilled to know you are coming back (or already are back) the the good Ole U S of A! Happy New Year to you and Mr. Kim, with prayers for peace, love, health and lots of fun for those of us who admire your wonderful sense of adventure, your honesty, loyalty and beauty from inside and out! I hope you and Mr. Kim can have some time to relax before you are on the go again! We all look forward to your new quilting adventures! Happy wishes and prayers for a healthy, happy, wonderful New Year Kimberly!
I’m so happy for you and Kent. I didn’t know he had such a short commitment in Australia. When Tim was offered the contractor position at Ramstein, back in 2002, he had just a 2 year commitment. We ended up staying 7, and if it were solely up to me, we would still be there! But, Tim and the kids were homesick for the states, and all things American. Tim has an upcoming TDY to Europe in January or February, and you better believe I’ll be sitting right next to him on the plane! I miss Germany for so many reasons.
Does Kent know where he will be working next, or is the contract completed. I loved seeing the kitty-kids snoozing together. Flying for so long is such a big event for people, but I believe much bigger for our pets. They sure look happy to be back home. And, what a blessing to be able to see your sons more frequently! So happy for you, my friend! Kimberly, you’ll have to let me know what your upcoming travel schedule looks like. At some point I plan to meet up with you so we can visit, even if it’s just briefly.
Such a lovely way of saying that life has its ups and downs. I am glad that you enjoyed your experience in Australia. You are right having faith makes the world easier. Here’s to the close of one chapter but the start of another amazing adventure. Here’s to 2023 and the meaning wonderful blessings yet to come. Welcome back home. 🥰
Welcome back! Looking forward to 2023
Welcome back……wishing you a smooth transition and patience as life unfolds stateside….. Happy New Year!
What exciting news! We will be praying for Kent as he deals with this period of separation from you. Hopefully it will be short and the transition smooth. If you want/need to be in Florida for a while, come see us. God’s blessings!
Tommy and Suzie
Gosh Kimberley, I can hardly keep up with you. I shall look forward to see what you get up to in 2023. I guess a new house will be on the agenda so once again you will be busy turning it into a beautiful home.
All the best for the next stage of your exciting life.
Prayi g all works out fairly quick and u can be reunited with Mr Kim…🙏🙏
I pray for only the best for you and your family. Welcome back.
So glad you’re home but thoroughly enjoyed your adventure. Love your kitties and hope your Roos find someone who loves them like you have. Welcome home.
Welcome home Kimberly, Mr Kim, and kitties!
I’m sure the roos will miss you and hopefully, the new owners will be as kind with feeding/watering them. Also, glad that you and the kitties are back in the States. Maybe you can pop into Road to California for a little visit. Hope Mr. Kim gets back here soon as well.
Welcome home.
I definitely would love to see you at Road2CA!
Happy New Year Kimberly! I pray God continues to hold you and family in His hands and you will soon see your next adventure! I could tell your heart was heavy as I prayed for you. But, I also felt it wasn’t my place to ask. Sooo I just continued to pray. I’m very happy that things clicked into place for your return and the furbabies to the US. Hugs to you and the happiest of New Years to you ALL!
I appreciate the prayers more than you could know! Keep ’em going….we still are waiting on God for some more answers…..
Always enjoy your positivity! Here’s to the grand adventure of 2023! Hugs…
So glad you are home. I really loved the Roo adventures but now maybe sometime in the future we can have a girls weekend. Love you and so glad you here.
I wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year. I am also looking forward to the challenges 2023 has to offer.
I’m sooooo with you Kimberly! Welcome home❤️
Welcome home Kimberly and Kent!
Sounds like happy new year! Hoping to see you in person sometime soon. It’s just been too long! I’m happy for your leap of faith and contentment when you don’t have all the answers! He is faithful.
See you at ROAD??
I appreciate your blog I am very happy for you and Mr Kim that you will be state side once again. I can relate to struggles and life challenges. Your example to remain positive, patient and focus on what’s good really spoke to me. It is my hope that I can emulate your wonderful example. Blessings to you and your family in the New Year!
Well I’m sorry to be missing the Roos but I’m happy your back in the US and can’t wait for your live streams!
I so enjoyed your roo sharing. Was hoping to come visit in ‘23 but know you are glad to be back here. It will be easier on you, especially keeping your commitment to Janome. So maybe after you get settled back in (a few months) I could come visit? I know the smile is back. May 2023 bring bright blessings to you and Mr. Kim (he’s my boyfriend, you know 😊). Blessed be.
I’m happy you’re doing what you want to do. Welcome back to the US.
Thanks for sharing the roos with us.
🙏 🙏 🙏
I am so excited for you, coming back to the USA. I hope everything goes well for Kent packing and selling your home in Australia. Will Kent be transferred within his company back to California, or will he be looking for a new position?
I know that living in the Outback brought you many challenges and much frustration. I guess that goes with the territory; living in a very remote area. Both you and Kent were good sports. Hearing about life in Alice Springs; I don’t think I would have handled life there with grace, as you did.
Whatever the future holds for you, I hope it is an exciting adventure and offers you a lifestyle more to your liking.
I will miss seeing the Roos, and do hope your home’s new owner continues to feed and water them. I worry that they may have become dependent.
You’re home, the kitties are home, you can collect your dog from the foster mom, and hopefully soon, Kent will join you. I’m very happy for you.
I’m sure this has been a very hard decision but with God’s guidance all will be well. And selfishly hoping to take more quilting classes with you!
I give you and Ken so much credit for accepting all the life has felt you these last few years.
The Roos will miss you but I know your friends and your sons will be happy to have you here in the states.
Kimberly to new beginnings🫂
Dear Kimberly, You and your family continue to be in my prayers! Answered prayers that you are back in the US and Kent will be too! Looking forward to seeing you both! You’re welcome any time!! Sending our love!! Sue and Herb
Australia was a wonderful place for you to experience, but in my opinion, you belong here in the US. The Roos were so much fun to watch and hear about. Putting all the videos and pictures of them on FB gives you great memories to look back on. Welcome home!
Kimberly, My heart goes out to you and Kent! I am so happy you found comfort and faith in our Lord! May 2023 be peaceful and fulfilling to you and your family! Hugs my friend!🤗😘
Kimberly, Welcome back to USA. May God continue to bless you and your family in 2023. We’ll hold you up in our prayers. I hope our paths cross soon. Aloha, Cindy
Welcome home to the USA! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with all your roo friends!!! Im so thankful that you were able to take advantage of Operation Santa Paws!!!! Everything worked out and fell into place so well, that it was definitely God’s plan for you and your family! You are able to use the positivity of your time in Roo country to outweigh the sad and frustrating times!
Hi Kimberly, i’m new to your page and just read your blog. Welcome home, even though it’s been trying, you prevailed. 2023 will bring entirely new opportunities for you to inspire others with your joy and love of sharing and teaching. Best wishes, Tauna
Kim, so glad you and kitties are back home. I hope Kent has an easy time of selling and packing up in AU. Glad to see an end to 2022 and looking forward to what 2023 has in store for us.
Best Wishes always,
I will miss seeing the Roos. Welcome back to the USA and wish you all the best in the New Year.
I pray that the Lord will show you His will for you and Kent! You are a blessing to so many people and an encouragement to all. Bossier City, LA has a place for him in his kind of work! (I think). May God give you peace and comfort in this coming year!
What is the decision if it is what you want ,it is the good decision ! I wish you the best and hope we can see each other soon ! Why not in France ,we are now in the middle of the Bordeaux vineyards !! 🤗😉
Say jello to Kent and the boys from us !!😘😘😘
Welcome Home! Australia is beautiful but wild and challenging. We wish all the best for you and look forward to seeing your many inspirational projects and posts. Happy New Year!
Dearest Kimberly: the hardest thing ever is to learn to trust Him when we don’t know what the plan is. But it’s also one of the biggest things He wants to teach us. I once had a card that read: Don’t tell God how big your mountain is; tell the mountain how big your God is! And remember – He always has the “vertical” view, and knows what things lie in our path before we do.
Much love, and it will be wonderful to have you and your family back in the USA. Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventure with us!
I had thought you’d be living abroad for at least another year, but I’m so happy you are moving back to the US. While I hope you settle back into California, where ever you settle I hope you will find a forever home with a lovely sewing room and enjoy many happy and healthy years filled with joy and creativity. Welcome, Home.
Happy new year. So happy you will be back in United States although loved seeing the kangaroos.. hopefully you will be at Vermont quilt festival this year. Would love to take another class with you
I am so happy for you! And Happy New Year!! What an exciting start. I know you will have a lot of things to do and will miss being with Mr. Kim during the time it takes to complete the transition, but I am glad to have you back in the U.S.
Welcome back to the USA. You were so fortunate to have all those wonderful experiences in Australia. It is not something you will ever forget. Now that you are back in the states I hope to see you at a future quilt show.
Welcome home. Have a Wonderful and Happy New Year.
I agree with you 100% and I hope that you will be able to come to Odessa Texas to Betty’s Bobbin Box so I can meet you in person. I loved watching the Roo’s they just made my day at times. May I ask what does Mr. Kim do and what is his real name.
Hi Pauline – Mr. Kim’s real name is Kent and he is a government contractor, after having served in the US Air Force for 23 years.
Welcome home! I too will miss seeing to Roos. I hope 2023 starts a new chapter that will be everything you hope for. Always love to see your posts. Take care. Happy New Year friend.
Kimberly, you are one of the most amazingly positive people I know. You always inspire me to be a better, kinder person (I don’t always succeed, however). I love each and every one of your posts. I love how you love your family, and you make us feel a part of your life. I wish for you much happiness and continued success. Welcome home, and Happy New Year! Hope Mr. Kim gets the house sold quickly and you are once again reunited.
Nancy, thank you so much for your lovely words; I appreciate your support more than you could ever know! You have truly uplifted me today — bless you!