My husband came home from work and since it was a slow week at the office, his boss told him he could take a couple days off following the July 4th holiday. He whispered in my ear, “Run away with me.”
“Are you kidding me?” I gasped! “We have a million things going on right now! The electrician is coming the day after the 4th and my studio cabinets are scheduled to be installed next week, and we have a new kitten who’s getting into everything and I’m behind on my deadlines and I’ve got so much work to get done and the boys are home from school and….” I was practically breathless trying to get it all out of my mouth.
He put his finger over my lips and simply smiled and said, “run away with me.”
I stopped and thought for a moment. A wonderful, handsome man whom I adore — and who adores me as well — has just asked me to run away with him for a road trip to a beautiful place we’ve never seen before. I would be crazy to pass up on a romantic get-away with my best friend even with all the work that needs to be done right now.
So despite all my “type A” tendencies and my need to have everything in order and under control, we packed up a few small bags, put them in the tiny trunk of our new Mini Cooper convertible and with the top down, we headed up the California coastline.
We stopped in Pismo Beach and ate dinner at a local place called the Cracked Crab. We feasted on Alaskan King Crab which was so unbelievably fresh and delicious, we agreed it was probably one of the best meals we have ever eaten in our lives!
We drove up to Monterey where we stayed for two nights in a lovely hotel close to the ocean.
We spent an entire day driving the Big Sur coastline including the famous 17-mile drive in our fun little convertible, had lunch at the grill at the Pebble Beach Golf Club and drove through the enchantingly picturesque town of Carmel by the Sea.
We saw some of the most spectacular vistas we’ve ever seen and the weather was picture postcard-perfect! The entire trip felt so surreal with the incredible sights and sounds — including the sound of our own laughter — and left us breathless, happy, content, and even more in love than ever.

Called Bird Rock, the base of it was covered in hundreds of sea lions all barking and making noise!
After a few days away, we arrived home and everything was still waiting for us. All the work, the deadlines, even a broken air conditioner unit during a heat wave. But I wouldn’t trade those few days of running away for anything in the world.
Someday, a long time into the future when we’re too old to run away, we’ll have the memories of this spontaneous, fabulous road trip. I’m sure I won’t remember all the work which needed to be done. But I will remember a handsome man taking my hand and running away with me. And I’ll be breathless all over again.
What a wonderful memory. Thank you for sharing it. My husband and I have made that coastal trip, but in a rental. We lived in Texas! We drove thru Carmel By The Sea and found a man on the beach wearing a bunny on his head! The coastline was just gorgeous! That trip, more than 20 years later, is still a wonderful memory.
Andrea Parks
Thank you for sharing YOUR memory, Andrea. It truly made me smile! Wish I had been looking for the man with the bunny on his head! 😉
I’m so glad you were able to run away. Such a wonderful short trip. Love all the pictures.
Thanks a million, Suzanne.
Your love for each other is so awesome!!! I may have to print one of your coastal pictures for a place on my wall in my new home! My daughter also owns a mini Cooper convertible and absolutely loves it too!!
So happy you took the time. You are truly blessed to have such a partner in life. In our type A craziness we forget to let go and enjoy the moment. You will remember running away forever. I have to remind myself every once in a while my husband is my partner and always keep him first in life too.
How absolutely beautiful! You definitely have THE life! ❤️
Thank you do very much for sharing your “run away trip” with us. You are blessed and a blessing to us all. I am so happy that you savor each moment you can.
So happy for you that you “ran away”!
Look like a dream vacation from your pictures.
You won’t regret your decision!! I bet you returned home
Feeling refreshed & ready to tackle your work.
Life is too short not to “escape”!!
Be well!!
New definition for precious memories …
The best idea ever!
What a wonderful gift from a wonderful man! I’m glad you came to your senses and ran away with him! Love all the pix. now your batteries are recharged. Do I see a new quilt, Called ‘Runaway with Me’ in your future?
Love this!! Such Wonderful memories!!! thanks for sharing your adventure!
What a wonderful trip with beautiful scenery, thank you for sharing.
He is such a good quilt husband he deserves time with you away from the quilts.
Run away moments are the BEST. Treasured memories forever. Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful way to share your escape. Thank you.
A fabulous adventure and a very romantic love story!! I also enjoyed looking at your gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing with us. x
Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures and your comments. What a treat to have a friend like you.
Love your photos and letting us share your trip. Also love your Mini. Ours is now 12 years old and that is exactly the color I want for our next one.