Birgit and her family arrived from Germany last week.
And while they’re here, we’re on hiatus doing some serious “summering” with them.
(“Summer-ing” is the act of doing all those fun activities you do
in the summer or while on vacation.)
We went out on the boat at night with these little luminaries to light the
way through the darkness. They brought them to us from Germany. It was magical!
Of course everyone has enjoyed keeping cool in the pool.
And Birgit and I have been collaborating on an exciting new project!
It’s going to be totally awesome when it is finished……. 🙂
….and we celebrated this young man’s 17th birthday at his
favorite restaurant. I’ll bet you can’t guess where.
Most of all, we’re simply enjoying the company
of this most gracious, fun-loving, wonderful family.
Great friends are a true treasure, aren’t they?
So for now, it’s back to summering…..
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