It is truly amazing to me how quickly the days turn into weeks and weeks into months. I can hardly believe it is April already! Where did the first quarter of the year go? Does anyone else out there feel this way?
I admit that so far in 2013 I feel as though I’m running a marathon at a full-out stride just trying to keep up — let alone to get ahead of the game. Hence, the lack of updates here on the blog. In recent weeks, I’ve been trying to Β figure out what my priorities really are and if I’m tackling them effectively. If I had a score card for this, I don’t think I would score very well. I spend so much of my work time doing “administrative duties” with little to no time for creating or actually sewing anything. This isn’t how I envisioned it would be when I started what was supposed to be a fun little business.
So I’m taking a casual inventory. This blog. Does it matter to anyone whether I write it or not? Is anyone out there really interested in reading it at all? I don’t spend much time reading other blogs anymore. It just takes too much time and I usually feel frustrated with everything I’m not doing and all the ways in which I’m not accomplishing as much as other bloggers. So now’s the time — if you’re out there — to let me know your thoughts. I’d seriously like to hear from you. I don’t mean to sound so down-trodden. That’s not my intent at all. My intent is simply to prioritize what is important and those things which aren’t.
Thanks in advance for your input. It is truly appreciated.
I find I’m not reading blogs as much either, however I do like to keep up with designers on Facebook. Maybe just a presence on Facebook to keep your fans informed as to what’s new with your books, patterns, classes, etc. I’d certainly miss seeing you in some way!
I’ll definitely keep my FB account, and I appreciate your input about whether or not to keep on blogging. Thanks for saying you’d miss seeing something from me….makes me feel very loved!!! π
I do get a lot of quilting inspiration from bloggers. In fact, I learned about you when I saw your blue and white quilt on Green Fairy’s blog. I am now doing Craftsy’s 2013 BOM in blue and white! But, I understand that when I am reading online, I am not quilting. I do not have a blog but keep thinking I might like to. Good luck with your decision!
Hi Sharmond! Thank you so much for taking time to write. It tickles me no end to think that you learned about me (and my blog) from Judi at Green Fair Quilts! And I especially love the fact that you are now making your BOM in blue and white. What a lovely idea! Thanks again for your input…..I truly appreciate it!
I’m trying to read fewer blogs also. I did take your Craftsy class and loved it. I think you time might be better spent designing and teaching. Hope that doesn’t offend but you are a great teacher and seemed to enjoy the process. Just my two cents worth. Good luck.
I appreciate reading your two cents worth, Norma. Thank you so much for your kind and complimentary words about my Craftsy class. I do LOVE preparing for and teaching those classes so much! Thanks again –
I’ve missed your blog. I learn a lot and am inspired by creative bloggers. maybe you need a helper to deal with the ‘administrivia’ so you can create and teach.
I have to admit I have also missed your blog, but I understand that there are only so many hours in a day. I have just finished my first (of many, I hope) Mystery Quilt from your Craftsy class, and I’m trying to decide on my next Magical Jelly Rolls project. Love them! Please don’t give up teaching time or writing time to blog! And your own sewing time has to fit in there, too, for your relaxation and creativity, and your next idea to pass along to us! π
THANK you, Karen. I appreciate hearing your thoughts very much! Perhaps I can keep blogging but not put so much pressure on myself to make every blog post a wealth of information or inspiration? Something to think about…
Now that should be your word for 2013, because that is what you do!
Hi, I too enjoy your blogg and hope you will continue to write and keep everyone updated on your travels and new books and classes that you are doing. Wishing you well.
Thank you so much, Barbara! After hearing from so many wonderful folks like yourself, I’ve decided to keep the blog going. I appreciate your input more than you could ever possibly know!!! Blessings to you!
I’ve taken two of your Craftsy classes and enjoy your teaching and designs. I can understand your dilemma, however. I’m not a quilting professional and often end up skipping weeks of blogging due to my work and family schedule! On the other hand, I’d hate to see you disappear from the blogosphere forever. Maybe you could cut back your posting schedule to once a month or something more manageable…? As for reading blogs, I just switched to Feedly on my i-Pad and found that it makes it much easier to keep up. I can scan quickly and go to reading the ones I’m interested in reading, leave a couple of comments here and there, and be done…all before I’ve finished eating breakfast! π
Hi Sandy –
Thank you SO much for your thoughts and input! It means the world to me and I truly took what you said to heart. I have never heard of that app for the iPad…. is it Feedly? I will go and look for it now. Sounds just like what i need! Thank you for letting me know about it!
AND — I will definitely be checking out YOUR blog, too!!! π