First, getting unplugged
If you’ve been reading this blog, you may remember a few weeks before Christmas I was feeling a little lost, lonely, and out of sorts. The transition from our permanent home in Virginia to the West Coast was wearing me down and I felt disconnected from things familiar. Fortunately the holidays arrived, our boys came home from college and we spent five fun weeks with them before they went back to Liberty University this past Saturday. During this time I unplugged from social media more than I have in the past. While I enjoy keeping up with friends and family by reading posts about quilts, their kids and pets, I was becoming very disheartened by all the negativity and verbal mud-slinging going on, not to mention the excessive ads (has anyone else noticed how many ads are on Facebook these days?) It was time for me to step back, unplug, and focus on things which truly matter. I spent meaningful time with our boys and my husband. We had plenty of family date nights and game nights. (The UNO games in our household are legendary!) What we didn’t do was watch much TV or spend much time on the computer. This step back from being so electronically “plugged” in was truly refreshing!

One of our family Christmas gifts was tickets to see Aladdin at the famed Pantages Theatre in Hollywood. The show was fabulous!

Fun family selfie

We enjoyed visiting the stars on the Hollywood walk of fame!
Next, plugging in
What I was doing during this time away from social media, emails and television was “plugging in” to my local surroundings and the community. I got busy and took plates of home baked Christmas goodies to our new neighbors. We found a church home here locally and have been attending every Sunday. We even met some of the super-nice people who attend there, including a quilter and a gal who has turned out to be my new hair stylist! And just today, I joined my local Pilates studio and began working out again.

Lake Arrowhead is literally right outside the door to the Pilates studio. Now, who wouldn’t want to work out while looking at that view?

There’s even a resident rescue pup, Ryder, who gives kisses and encouragment while you work out. How great is that?
I’m feeling terrific these days; inspired, energized, and my creative mojo is flowing! I’m working on several awesome new quilt patterns, designed especially for using my Solid-ish fabrics, both the design rolls (2 1/2″ strips) and fat quarter bundles! In case you want to be ready to join me, you can find them on my website HERE and HERE.
So unplugging electronically allowed me to plug in and be present for the really good things. The new year is off to a great start!
Unplugging sounds wonderful! It sounds like it was just what you needed! It is great to stay connected, however it really can be a time sucker.
Good for you. Getting your groove on. Changes takes a while to adjust (as you I am an ex military wife). Look forward to new new patterns.
I’m so happy to hear you unplugged and were able to plug in and start building good connections in your new community. I hope 2018 brings you and your family many new friends, new places of fun and creativity, as well as simply opportunities to bond with your new home & community.
Yeah for you!
I knew you would get used to your new surroundings and make new friends quickly. So glad you had 5 weeks with your sons. Looking forward to seeing you at Vermont Quilt Festival in July.
Good for you Kimberly! Family is so important and I am glad you are also taking care you of you! I look forward to seeing your patterns! See you soon.
so happy you unplugged. I unplugged the tv over 4 yrs ago after I had my heart surgery & have never plugged back into it. am about ready to unplug Face Book now with all the political ads on it..the rest of the computer I use only for email, paying bills & things like that. message my kids & talk to them on the phone & I am much happier than I was connected to all the other gadgets I had. I have learned to spend my time learning to re-crochet, knit & doing hobbies since I am pretty housebound happy to see you in Lake Arrowhead–it’s beautiful country up there & not too far from me..will be looking forward to seeing your new patterns & need more classes on Craftsy…
I feel like I am strapped for time, yet I amon the computer way too much. I keep the TV going for noise. I ammussing many blessings by doing this. I need to just do it!! Unplugging is hard for me.
A great five weeks for you all Kimberly! You do all look so happy together. And there was never a better way to immerse yourself in your community than turning off the stuff that keeps us tied to the wall, and baking for the new neighbours. We did that when we moved into our new street almost 5 years ago, and we still host the annual street party at Christmas. It’s so good to know everyone and have a smile and a wave greet you each day.
Hope you’re settling in very happily, and that the boys are doing well. Love from down under. xxx