A quick catch-up
So much has happened in the last month or so and I’ve been remiss in not posting more frequently here on the blog. I thought about writing a long follow-up about my trips and teaching engagements, such as the International Quilt Market and Festival in Houston with tons of photos, but it would take me several hours. And honestly, that was just one of many things happening for us here in the past six weeks. So I’ll just write a quick catch-up since you are likely as busy getting ready for the holidays as I will be, starting later today. So, in a nutshell, here you go:

My sweet husband sure has a thing for the gal on the banner…..
- Quilt Market – It was great to see old friends and meet many new ones. It’s always like “old home week” each year in Houston when I’m able to see, hug and greet so many friends and acquaintances in the industry. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time in the Janome booth as their National Spokesperson meeting so many Janome enthusiasts, dealers, and customers, too!

My classroom was filled with Janome Creative 9400 sewing machines and the students thoroughly enjoyed using them to get the perfect scant 1/4″ seam for their pieced projects!
- Quilt Festival – I was thrilled to teach 5 1/2 days of completely SOLD OUT classes in the fabulous Janome classroom! (I heard afterwards that every single machine was adopted and found a new home, which thrills me no end!) To cap off the fabulous week, I presented my Jelly Rolls + Precuts lecture to a large audience on Saturday evening. It was a whirlwind and super-fun week! And such a blessing that my voice held out until Sunday after it was all over and we were flying home.

Our dear new friends and neighbors at our first annual Progressive Dinner night right here in Eshelman Estates!
- I organized a Progressive Dinner for our neighbors the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving and we had a great time going from house to house for appetizers, the main course, and dessert. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful neighbors and new friends here in South Bay!

Most of the leaves have fallen up in Lake Arrowhead, but the scenery is always breathtaking.
- Happily, I spent some a few days at the cabin after Houston was over before our son, Andrew, came home for a quick break at Thanksgiving. He worked at Disneyland all week (and loved it!) and we had a very low-key, quiet Thanksgiving lunch, just the three of us.
- We celebrated Andrew’s birthday a bit early while he was home since his actual birthday falls when he would be back at school. I can’t believe this young man turned 20 this year. Where, oh where, has the time gone?

Andrew is the fourth cymbal player in the front line from the right.

It was SO COLD and pouring rain the day of the football game. But we braved the weather to see our son march in the Liberty University Marching band, and to top it off, Liberty beat New Mexico State in an exciting game!
- We took a spur of the moment trip to Virginia to see Andrew march once more this season. We flew out on Friday, and because of a snow storm in the midwest, our flight was cancelled until Monday. But it was all worth it in the end!
- The week after Thanksgiving was busy meeting many work-related deadlines and submitting my proposals for next year’s Quilt Market / Festival. All computer work and no sewing, unfortunately. I was busy, busy. But then,

The visibility wasn’t great, but we managed to get an underwater selfie.
- We actually took a week off and went to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, for a fun vacation with some dear friends! We shopped, laughed, ate amazing gourmet meals, and went scuba diving where we actually heard the whales singing in the distance; a first for us! It was fun to unwind after the hectic year we’ve had. The only down side was coming home with a difficult middle ear injury from the diving but I’m on medications to hopefully get me, my ear pressure and hearing back to normal soon.

This year, we put out our white church collection. We founds these at various Christmas markets throughout Germany during our time there. In the past six or seven years we haven’t had the space to display them so it was truly special seeing them again after so many years in storage.
And now? Our son is on the plane at this very moment flying home for Christmas break and our other son will be joining us this coming Sunday for a couple of weeks. And with this post, I’m wrapping up my work and computer related tasks. I intend to jump into full Christmas preparation mode to enjoy the holiday season to the fullest. I’ve got Christmas music playing in the background as I write, a lovely peppermint vanilla-scented candle burning, and some twinkle lights in my studio turned on at this very moment.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas filled with blessings, happiness, love, and a gentle reminder to keep Christ first in Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, it’s always an adventure decorating a new place for Christmas
Darlene — Merry Christmas my dear friend! You are right, but it is also fun finding new spots for cherished items. Sending love to you all.
Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Kim! Can’t wait to see you next year! Have the best holiday and take care of those ears!
Hi Amy! Merry Christmas to you and your family! And thank you for those good wishes for my ear. It is slowly getting better. Sending you hugs and love!
Merry Christmas to you and all your family
and to a Great New year may it bring you
More and more fun!
SueAnn – Merry Christmas to you and yours!!! Wishing you all the best in the new year!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Merry Christmas, my dear Ilka! Hugs to you and your sweet family!
Merry Christmas to you and yours. I love your articles, books, and videos. Thank you! And I love my Janome. Only wish I could get a newer model!
Hi Linda! You are so sweet! Sending you BIG Janome hugs! And who knows what the future might bring? Merry Christmas!
Wishing a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family!
Thanks so much, Diana! Wishing you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, too!
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I was just wondering when we will see part 6 of the Gatherings?
Hi Vickie! Oh gosh….my bad! I’ll get that posted today if possible. Thanks for the reminder! Merry Christmas!
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Your representing Janome has been a welcomed boost in educating we Janome users! Enjoy some down time with your family!
Thank you so much for your kind words, Lou! Being associated with Janome is truly my honor! And I wish you and your family all the best this Christmas and in the coming new year!
Merry Christmas Kimberly to you and your loved one. I lift you up for God’s healing. I hope the New Year is filled with Blessings.
Thank you so much, Val! Merry Christmas to you and your family, too!
Kimberly I wish you and your family a truly blessed and joyous Christmas and may your New Year be filled with new friends, fun adventures and lots of creative projects. Thank you for all you share to inspire, teach and motivate. I truly am a more accomplished quilter this year because I found your classes.
Deb, oh my goodness….thank you for your very sweet comment. My heart is bursting (and I may have a tear or two in my eyes…) What a blessing you are to me this morning as I read this! God bless you and Merry Christmas to you and your family this year!
Hi Kimberly. Just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I really enjoy getting your blog. It’s fun hearing about what your doing. And what a busy year you have had. Best wishes for the coming New Year. I know it will be a busy one.
My sister and I totally enjoyed your class in Houston. Thank you!
Thank you so much, Sandra!